I called a recommended radiator shop about a flush and fill and would like y'all's input on his method.
First, (I can correct this with my manual) he said it only takes 3 gallons of fluid but this site says 8. I mentioned I thought it took 8 and he said oh, no it cant hold that much. Not too concerned there other than familiarity.
Second, I asked if their process included opening both block plugs and he said no. Here is where my question starts (finally) - he said they drain it then run water and air through ("in reverse") and clean out any junk in the overflow tank. How does that sound to the experts here?
I dont really want to fool with this myself but want it done right. The shop has been there a long time so I suppose they are familiar with it and maybe the tech will be more in tune. He did know it had green fluid.
First, (I can correct this with my manual) he said it only takes 3 gallons of fluid but this site says 8. I mentioned I thought it took 8 and he said oh, no it cant hold that much. Not too concerned there other than familiarity.
Second, I asked if their process included opening both block plugs and he said no. Here is where my question starts (finally) - he said they drain it then run water and air through ("in reverse") and clean out any junk in the overflow tank. How does that sound to the experts here?
I dont really want to fool with this myself but want it done right. The shop has been there a long time so I suppose they are familiar with it and maybe the tech will be more in tune. He did know it had green fluid.