Question about CCV mod.


Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
I got my braided Hpop line from I did see a solid steel one some where but it was about $15 more and figured it would be harder to install,I would like to add that i got my sonnex kit from BCDP. wish i could have got them both there but I really wanted braided since everything else is, the install took about a half hour, i just removed my airbox lid and the first tube, then unmounted the 2 bolts for the CCV and just pulled it out a little and everything was easy to get at. Also make sure about the seals, mine stayed on the old plugs but did end up on the threads and any farther and they probley would have maybe fell off in the holes, also i dont know if this helps but my engine sat for about 6 hours nice and cold and there really was'nt any oil leakage to really mention, just a few drops. no pressure


Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
Yes that is the same line i seen, Just did'nt seem like rermoving more then needed was worth it to accomplish the same thing, probly would take 2 hours work just to get it in there. plus i kept the caps in my truck just incase it leaked or busted, would be easy to do on the road. if that problem happened but yet factory lines are the originals and i guess they been on there for 5-6 years now. so im confident it should be ok..


Feb 21, 2006
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OKC in front of the black clou
Ordered the braided hose from dieselsite. Can't wait for arrival. Thanks for the linkie.:thumbs

Now about my little 836 mile round trip. Got there really quick. Getting home was another story. Going back through Tulsa this 40+ TOOL who appeared to have stopped maturing at age 15 slams his $50 Grand Am into the R. side of my truck while passing me on the right. Got the F. door, wheel, bumper, small spot on the fender, scuffed up the side of the brand new tire, and destroyed the center cap. He then after I chased him to get him to stop tried to make some retarded accusation about how he had his turn signal on and I was supposed to yield. So I start getting hot and told him "there's no way I can see your turn signal when you are directly beside me when you ran into me you F'in idiot". I thought he was going to start crying. Then he wanted to exchange information and just leave. I told him to go ahead and I'd just tell the highway patrol he fled hit & run, so he decided to wait. Then when the patrolman gets there he just tells him that "I thought I was clear I guess I just wasn't far enough past him yet". Then the patrolman asks if we just want to exchange information. H--- NO! I had him do a report which requires him to cite the other guy with an illegal lane change ticket. Good for me right? NOT HARDLY! Apparently sometime in '01 Del City Oklahoma didn't show my payment on a ticket I contested for speeding. There has never been a bench warrant for me caused by that and there still isn't. Then in '03 OKC shows I didn't pay a ticket I went to court on. I paid both of these items immediately upon leaving the court room. So in other words my license was suspended on 11/28/05. Now I have to fight a DUS ticket I should have never received, all because this spaz crashed into me. My employ that went with me had to drive us away from there as per the patrolmans instructions. This was all about a 3 hour delay. IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH! We get about 15 miles outside of Tulsa, and we're approaching a '03 - '06 Dodge Cummins while changing lanes to pass him something on his truck blows and soaks my entire truck in what I believe to be power steering fluid. So that takes another freakin' hour just to get all that crap off my truck. Got home finally about 4 hours later than expected and now I have to spend Monday proving I paid the tickets and making DPS kill this ticket. :rant



Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI

I went last oct to renew my license, they tell me that i have ticket in PA and a ticket in SC that are open and that my license was suspended in both of those states, so i cant renew my license till there both straighten out...OK. heres the kicker I drive truck for a living and my boss did'nt like that, also at the time they say i was in those states doing this I was'nt even there, (been driving local) PA dropped it when i explained my story and SC told me how much money to send in. so i hurried and sent it in. then they tell me that the woman on the phone was wrong and i should have sent $10 more and would'nt do anything till they get it, all had to be done by money order no credit card, so i ended up losing 2 weeks of work which hurt, from a bunch of bull and though someones elses mistake like the $10 thing. that coast me the second week. Hows that for Goverment red tape.:cussing:


Feb 21, 2006
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OKC in front of the black clou
I pulled the info up on the city's website and found that they were paid on the court date as I remebered. Figures! Now where do they get off putting us through crap 3-5 years later by fraudulently suspending our licenses? That's our tax dollars at work serving up injustice on a platter. Geeez
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Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
I understand that, they toss you in the mix and tell you that you can either pay it and get it over or just make a court day that will remove it, but then you have to wait with a suspended lisence for a month or so since there backed up to get it straighten for free,since they tell you it take a judge to do it...I think I would just find out who the office clerk is and drop a law suit on them personally, something about them violating there rights, it would cost them time and money just like they cause you...


Feb 21, 2006
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OKC in front of the black clou
I have had it proven to me again the right hand of law enforcement doesn't know what the left hand is doing or even what the right hand is doing either. The supposed tickets weren't even the reason for my suspension. After I went this morning and gathered all the proof I would need to prove the tickets were paid in a timely manner (immediately on the court date), I went to DPS and found out that Oklahoma legislature is so stupid they have made a law that states if you cancel insurance before the first 6 months of the policy has lapsed the insurance company is forced by law to report you have no insurance. Then DPS sends a non-certified letter to the address they have on file telling you that you have 30 days to prove your insurance never lapsed or you sold the car etc. So basically if you change companies, sell the car, park the car etc., and your letter doesn't arrive in the mail your license gets suspended. They can't even prove the letter was sent, but "one goes out with every suspension before the suspension is active" except for the fact they can't PROVE IT ! No signature for certified mail = no proof. You can't respond to what you don't receive. What a joke. I think everyone should turn their phones upside down every day just to make sure they haven't got their license fraudulently suspended.


Feb 14, 2006
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Wyoming, U.S.A.
NEokcTERROR said:
I have had it proven to me again the right hand of law enforcement doesn't know what the left hand is doing or even what the right hand is doing either. The supposed tickets weren't even the reason for my suspension. After I went this morning and gathered all the proof I would need to prove the tickets were paid in a timely manner (immediately on the court date), I went to DPS and found out that Oklahoma legislature is so stupid they have made a law that states if you cancel insurance before the first 6 months of the policy has lapsed the insurance company is forced by law to report you have no insurance. Then DPS sends a non-certified letter to the address they have on file telling you that you have 30 days to prove your insurance never lapsed or you sold the car etc. So basically if you change companies, sell the car, park the car etc., and your letter doesn't arrive in the mail your license gets suspended. They can't even prove the letter was sent, but "one goes out with every suspension before the suspension is active" except for the fact they can't PROVE IT ! No signature for certified mail = no proof. You can't respond to what you don't receive. What a joke. I think everyone should turn their phones upside down every day just to make sure they haven't got their license fraudulently suspended.

I would vote next year and get those idiots out of your state legislature. That 'll show 'em!!!:thumbs :sweet :roflmao


Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
OKC in front of the black clou
I voted the year these idiots were elected and I didn't vote for them anyway. It probably won't matter. Even the news stations I have found out now have ran major stories about how numerous people are driving aorund with suspended licenses due to this.


Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Wyoming, U.S.A.
NEokcTERROR said:
I voted the year these idiots were elected and I didn't vote for them anyway. It probably won't matter. Even the news stations I have found out now have ran major stories about how numerous people are driving aorund with suspended licenses due to this.

What a buch of dumb arses!!! :censored: Thats 90% of whats wrong with this country today. Instead of making people who drive around without insurance pay (with money and jail time)...lets police everyone who has insurance. Then, when they change companies, sell their car, etc., we can suspend their license if they don't get a random, non-certified letter. In other words...It busts the honest guy. Does anyone else see the folly in this? If you never have insurance, than no one knows untill you get into a wreck. But if you get insurance and cancel it, you have to let the govm't know or they suspend you. How freakin' dumb!!!-mad

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