Quads New Xzillaraider

Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, Virginia
As mentioned before I was one of the mass beta testers - and have now had my production version installed for three days.

Let me start off by saying that I have run TS Perf, The Edge, Quads 160 box, SP Diesel's new box (beta testing) and now - the Xzillaraider.

Be glad to answer any questions that I can.

Soooo - installation. You have four conectors - ICP, Map, coolant and oil temp sensor. Some say you don't need any tools for these and that may be true but I couldn't get my fingers down to the sensors so it required and pair of needle nose pliers. Read the directions carefully - I confused two of the front sensors and hooked it up wrong the first go around. Ill effects? None aside from the module did not work. Truck started and ran just like stock - and it was.

The box itself is no bigger than a pack of cigs - smaller actually. There is an LED light on it that changes colors and flashes depending on what your doing. There is a start up flash series and different colors for whatever HP you have selected. The flash and colors are also used to help troubleshoot the module should the need arise. The box must be installed in the cab. The wires from the engine plugs into the box. The switch has a very long lead - mount it damn near anywhere and it also plugs into the box. I can't see the box so the LED's don't really matter to me at the moment - but they are there for trouble shooting if need be.

Included in the package is a small plug. If you wish to remove the box you simply plug in the plug and your perfectly stock.

Important - included in the directions are "tranny learning" directions. Do yourself a huge favor and don't skip this part. Some have spent several hours training - took me about 1/2 hour and I was good to go. If you don't do them - don't bitch when the tranny doesn't perform. Personally I think this is all just a logical approach to teaching the tranny and really should be followed no matter what chip or tuner that you run.

So this is the 120 HP version. Is it for you racers? No. Just want to embarrass the ricer next to you or surprise that Denali? Yep - it will do it. Major difference I saw right off the bat from the beta to the production version is the low end power - got more of it now.

The overall power itself - it's different from all the other boxes I have run. Quad calls "on-demand" and I really can't put it any better. It's not a matter of what power setting your own giving you a different feel - the power setting really let's say sets the limit on what your going to get. Huh? Okay - you can put this thing on 120 HP and drive around "normal" and never know you have a box. But when you ask - it gives it to you :sweet

As I mentioned I didn't have a very long tranny learning period. My tranny shifts about as perfect as you could ask a stock tranny to shift. I still have to go in and get the tranny recall done - and if they don't flush the system - I'll pay to have that done - so with the fresh fluid I'll do the re-learn process again and I expect it to be excellent.

Couple of cool things - IMHO - when you first start up in the mornigs your not going to get any power increase until your motor warms up. That I really like! If your oil and coolant temp get more than 40 degrees apart - the box defaults back to stock.

Some boxes required the un-pluggin of the EGR - not needed here.

Did I have any problems with the beta test unit? Just one thing happened. During the 65HP tranny learning - 50% run - my low fuel light came on when it shifted into third. I had 3/4 tank of fuel. Light went off after I pulled over and did a restart. Never happened again. And didn't happen with the production box.

EGT's - nothing outside of normal no matter how hard I get on it. Towing in the 65HP (10K plus) never produced anything over 1100.

Mileage - I'm up 2 mpg :thumbs

Overall thoughts. This box is a keeper. It's extremely smooth - as I said you don't even know you have a box until you ask for it. I honestly think that the other companies will have to play catch up now.

So questions? I'll answer what I can if there are any.

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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Belen, NM
Ron , what kinda of MPG did you get towing? Yep I'm still thinking about the XZT.

Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, Virginia
Oboy said:
Ron , what kinda of MPG did you get towing? Yep I'm still thinking about the XZT.


Mark - I don't think you can go wrong with that choice assuming that it's pretty much the same as the 65HP setting on my box.

Giving a straight towing MPG is tough for me to do as I haul construction trailers and equipment around - sometimes everyday for a week, sometimes once or twice and other weeks none at all.

But - on a mixed week let's say - I was at around 15 MPG. Yesterday when I filled up it came out to 17.3 Filled up Monday morning and then again around lunch time yesterday. Over half of that tank for - Monday and Tuesday was towing 10K - no towing Wednesday.



May 6, 2005
Reaction score
italy,tx and stephenville
im glad someone knows something about it because the guys at 4 wheel parts all say that your best bet is the edge with att. but i have heard people that dont like it at all i kind of had it narrowed down to the ts and the xzt you siad that you've run them all and you would say this would be the best bet because i do alot of towing also and does it come with a warrantythanks for your help 2005 f-250

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