you won't need to replace the hpop with upgraded injectors, but it will help some. it takes more time to remove the fuel bowl and replace it than the hpop itself. it is actually pretty easy without the fuel bowl in the way. the whole job can be done in about 4 hours if there are no problems. the biggest thing is making sure you don't drop the washer that is holding the hpop gear into the reservoir.
take out the fuel bowl, drain the hpo reservoir, remove the cover that is on the front of the motor just above the waterpump, remove the 18mm bolt with washer holding the hpo gear, remove the hpo hoses going to the heads (i left them attached to the pump), remove the 2 bolts holding the hpop to the reservoir, wiggle the pump out, change over the hoses and ipr, and replace. the gasket between the hpop and reservoir is reusable, just be careful to make sure it is lined up correctly, and reinstall everything. it's easier to do than it seems, and the bolt holding the hpo gear on is very tight. you may spin the motor a bit until there is enough compression to be able to get the bolt loose. there is an excellent writeup