jakebrake1976 said:
I've got a 99 f-250 with the 7.3 and 168000 miles, but in the mornings if i don't let it warm up for about 5 or 10 minutes. it is sluggish BAD. If i were to pull out in front of on coming traffic, I would be toast.Anyone have any idea what my problem is?
Agree with the previous post, Exhaust Back Pressure Valve is closed.
The EBPV will close when its cold out, and it creates a MAJOR restriction to the exhaust to help the engine warm up.
If you take off right after startup, and try to jump into traffic, your going to get a suprise! Turbo Lag like you wouldnt believe!
Even a correctly operating EBPV will show this lag, as it takes a couple seconds for the engine to generate the needed backpressure and RPMs to "force" it open when cold.
In a perfect world, you would wait to leave until the truck was warm, but, thats not always possible.
I dont think anything is "broken", but its definately noticeable. I live RIGHT on the freeway, so I get bit by the cold truck LAG also, and my EBPV works just fine.