if you can afford a badass auto tranny and to rebuild it as necessary, they're cool enough. i think i could appreciate the very low effort cruising with an auto. the 1.5' throw legpress that is my clutch pedal can get old in stop and go traffic.
what i do not like about autos (aside from $4k rebuilds every 75k miles) is not being in complete control. even if you have a very good box, you still have to floor it and wait (even if its a very short wait) to get it to respond or downshift if you need quick reaction. i like the ultimate selectability of my 6spd, even if that means coming off the line slow. i didn't buy this truck to race. i can handle 600 hp with just a $1.5k clutch...not that i'm ever going to get to that point.
honestly, if i was rich, i'd have 2 superduties, one of each variety. if i have to pick, i pick my 6er.
real trucks have 3 pedals, 2 sticks, and no spark plugs.....too bad mine has gaytown esof.