Pistol brand recommendations?


Full Access Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Pinole, Kalifornia
If you want to hand it down. Any 1911 is the way to go, they have been around for almost a hundred years. They are the most copied and custom built weapon. IHO :thumbs

Almost forgot I have a Colt 1911 and love it!
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Full Access Member
Nov 18, 2006
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Middleboro, Ma
Tons of great info already given out / knowledge shared! I will throw in my two cents since I consider myself somewhat experienced in the use of weapons.
As already said the Glock. I have owned and carried the same one since 1996 without a single problem. Still my favorite one. It is the original compact glock 23 (came out before the subcompact Glock 27)
The 1911 series is always a great choice. I know you dont want to drop a ton of coin but I have a Kimber Custom Crimson Carry with the Crimson Trace grips and it is phenomenal how well it shoots out of the box. I had custom holsters made for it so it is comfortable as hell to carry for such a big gun. You can get a standard 1911 in compact models for a lot cheaper than the Kimber though.
The one gun that hasn't been mentioned is the Kel-Tec P3AT in .380 Nice little pocket gun that shoots a decent size round. I use that in the summer time, it can be fully concealed wearing shorts and a t-shirt! Ruger also makes a great pocket gun, the Ruger LCP. I don't own one but It compares to the Kel-Tec and is great gun.
I also don't own a XD but I know one is in my future. I have shot my buddies and they are a great choice as well. I wouldn't worry about it holding up because like I said above, I have used my Glock extensively for 13 years and it still looks and shoots like a brand new weapon.
Bottom line is chose a weapon that feels good to you. Shoot as many as you can before you decide to buy. You are the one that has to carry and depend on it so make sure it fits you and your needs, just because it fits me doesn't mean it will fit you or you will like it.


Full Access Member
Apr 18, 2008
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Jackson, MS
Thanks guys... I really appreciate all the comments/advice/opinions! I've done a lot of web surfing checking out all the brands you've mentioned and I'm like a dang kid in a candy store! Every one I look at is better than the one before!

I've wanted a 1911 for a long time, just wanted to get a little more experience under my belt first, and make an educated decision before I put out that much money for one.

For the time being, I'm still liking the Glock 30, XD's from Springfield, and a couple of Rugers (in that order). Right now I'm looking for a carry-companion to do the dirty work... the 1911 "heirlooms" like the Kimber will not leave the house! (those Kimbers are Cadillacs, huh?? Real works of art!!!) I'll post some pics when I make a purchase- thanks again! :sweet


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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Cranberry Twp,PA
There's a reason the Highpoint's are so cheap, they SUCK! I won a Highpoint .45 at a gun raffle, what a POS! I traded it on my Ruger. Guns aren't like gas, you don't always want the cheapest you can find. There's a reason Glock's, Smith's, Kimber's, etc, aren't $199!


Aug 16, 2006
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Omaha, NE
Why do you say that Fine69? Did it malfunction on you? How many rounds did you put through it? Why do you say Highpoint is a POS?

I have a .45 and a 9mm and have had ZERO problems. A lot of guys say they are POS because of their looks. Again....they are nothing fancy.....but mine go BANG every time I pull the trigger.......which has been a lot in the 2 years I have owned them.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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Cranberry Twp,PA
I had problems with it from the first clip I shot. Shells were jamming, empties wouldn't eject. I shot 1 box of ammo and got rid of it. Every Highpoint I've shot, whether mine or my friends, had problems. If yours works, your lucky! I'm not risking something happening over a $200 gun. I'll stick to the "Snobby" guns. This is one area where you get what you pay for!


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
Thanks for the quick responses guys (knew I could count on ya!). After looking at the guns you all suggested, I really liked the XD line from Springfield and the little Bersa.

I've got a few questions about both:

1.) I noticed that the XD's are made from a composite material.... I'm wondering how this material will hold up 20-30+ years from now? I know it's a super-strong material, but I want this to be something that can be handed down to future generations.

2.) The XD's also came with a grip-safety.... Never had any experience w/ those- pros/cons?? Hard to shoot? Get in the way?

3.) The Bersa looks like an awesome little gun (under $300 too - definitely in my price range!), but I'm wondering if the caliber is too small? I really like the "big-bore/small frame" pistols. Guess it'd be good for a back-up gun - I just wanna make sure that I don't have to empty the clip to stop him! :guns:

I've already got a Rossi .44 Spl snub-nose revolver and I LOVE it! Guess that's what got me hooked on the larger calibers. :sweet

xd is TOUGH, i bulged a barrel from a squib round, no damge to anything but the end of the barrel. easy to clean, no problem with the grip safety, its a natural
the 380 bersa is not a moose stopping round, however it will do the job
its just barely not a 9mm round,
and the model 1911's
well they are just plain great and dependable
this particular one goes to the range every visit


Aug 16, 2006
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Omaha, NE
I suppose.....just like anything else.....some are junk....and some work fine. Kinda like 6.0 Diesels!!! ;-)


Full Access Member
Apr 18, 2008
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Jackson, MS
Let me tell ya... I have learned so much over the last few days of poking around the handgun world. I've been overwhelmed, amazed, and confused (sometimes all at the same time!).

I really like the idea of a bare-bones utilitarian pistol that's very affordable (cheap price - not cheap quality) like the Hi-point. After asking around some, everyone that I talked to said that they were poor quality (hence the price) and dangerous.

Just when I had decided to look elsewhere, I picked up the latest issue of Handgunner Magazine which had a side-by-side comparison of several compact .380s. The writer said that his editor told him to give an honest and unbiased opinion of the Hi-point, and guess what?? He said that it worked perfectly and was actually more comfortable to fire than the others (Bersa, Kel-Tec, Kahr, Glock, etc).

Ok, now I was really confused... until I spoke with my brother's friend who made a very good point. He was unfamiliar w/ the Hi-point name, so had nothing negative or positive to say about it, but stated that *usually* the only way a company is able to cut prices and still make a profit is by using less than top quality materials. That doesn't mean that they won't perform just as good as any other product- but the rules change a bit when talking about firearms. You don't often get a second chance or do-over if something goes awry. He advised to talk to as many people as possible, shoot before you buy (if possible), and DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! Don't to take a chance with your safety/life or anyone else's just to save a few hundred dollars.

Good advice if you ask me! :sweet

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