Yea, Pam was there before I went there in '80-81, and 81-82. Mike, I'm just busting on you a little. There aren't too many people that can say they were at SP90*. Keep tha pics coming. I'd like to see what changed since then. Keith
Yep, Pam, Big John, The old Mech shop, ALL bring back memories. A Life exsperience, one I will never ever forget. Spent 3 years of my life on "The Ice", 6 months at a time. 68/69, 74 to 78. Things were >ALOT< more primative then ("U" barrels, "BURN" Shi**ers

)but even with all the new buildings and equipment... "HERBY" (the weather) still Rules.
The most Miserable, Cold, Harsh, Mean.. Serene, Wonderfull, Interesting, Challenging, place on this planet, Bar None.
"Dome Charley". They said it could'nt be done, But we recovered a C-130, FLEW it back to the US.. a year after it crashed on Take Off. Replaced the Wing Root, All 4 Engines...........WHOPPS.. I'm Ramble'n