Personal Dilemma, What would you have done?


SDD Security
Apr 13, 2005
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on a river in Georgia
rray32539 said:
I found myself in a similar situation, my high school girlfriend was looking forward to seeing me at the reunion. Due to an emergency in the family I could not attend at the last minute, although my sister was there and the two of them talked for a while. My sister said she was VERY disappointed that I did not come. She was also there sans husband. We have been corresponding via e-mail for over a year (I told my wife about it when she first sent me a message) she is married to an investment banker and has older children, and is VERY unhappy in her present situation. Living in a gated community in a 5000 square foot house, as she does, would make me at least comfortable while I was unhappy. Her spouse makes more in an hour than I do in a month!

My wife couldn't understand at first why I did NOT want to go to the reunion alone. Having just gotten over a bad patch in our marriage, I certainly didn't want to succumb to any temptation. But the girlfriend keeps calling my cell phone! Should I call her back? What makes the cheese more binding is that my wife is away for a month at my daughter's and son-in-law's house in North Dakota, daughter is due to give birth any day.

Richard stay far away from that went thru same thing last year all nice and friendly....except one night "said" ol' girlfriend got drunk one night and called my cell and wife anwered before she said "hello" girlfriend said "How's my baby doing...":eek: :eek: Wife said don't call back but she did, wife gave me the phone and I told her she was out of line and not to call back, But she kept callin'....Hard to explain to the wife nothing was going on.. Luckily for me ol' girlfriend lives several states away..Haven't talked to ex in over a year.

Wife and I are fine now, Never have strayed....never will !!!


SDD Security
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
on a river in Georgia
Mobeydick said:
Didn't ask about the Husband, didn't think about it. To be honest with she scares the heck out of me! I did leave it alone though. She got enough Intell out of me if she wants to contact me she can!

Ask her or someone about ring...I've known women , my Mom included, that wear their ring after their husbands have passed away. Just a thought :)

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
bama-six-gun said:
You have a 10 foot....:roflmao oh, wait, this is a family site, sorry....

Mobey, I would have asked about her husband. Just to see.

If I was in your position, of course. I'm happily married and don't plan on straying. Ever.
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High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
Hummm....seems that misery loves company. The good thing about my situation is the former girlfriend is on the Left Coast and I am on the Gulf Coast. I set the e-mail address she knows (I have several) to auto reply and my cell phone to default to voice mail. My home phone changed when I went to digital lines. I look at the caller ID and act accordingly. As for unfaithfullness, I was on the "last to know " list once in my life, everyone knew about the affair but me. I WAS fooling myself, thinking that denial is a river in Egypt.

Thankfully, my wife knows what is going on, I keep her informed. She and I will celebrate 18 years together in November. It was some rough sledding about six months back, thought I would be seeing the end marriage number two. Marriage counselors work wonders.

Daughter still pregnant, this will be my third grandson when he decides to make his appearance. New grandmother for the third time will be in the land of the chosen frozen until mid October. She hasn't been gone a week and I miss her. Unlimited long distance is a plus.

Now if I can only get my father out of the hospital...looks like he will be transferred to the University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center for cardiac and vascular surgery. HIS girlfriend is in town from Ohio and staying in his house (right next door) so I am playing taxi service with my truck so she can visit him. Even if I WAS inclined to stray, I wouldn't have the time! :D

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