death row inmate #7
ok heres the thing. one of my buddies has a 2000 1/2 chevy 4x4 gasser and he has been talking a lot of smack b/c i won't pull with him. anyways i'm gettin' tired of his big mouth and would really like to shut him up. my truck's stock and of course has smaller tires than his and is 2WD. would 4X4 and bigger tires be enough for his gasser to actually pull me or do ya'll think if i got enough weight in the rearend i could haul ***** with him spinnin' all fours? just want to know before i try anything. don't really wanna do it, but he's pi$$in' me off b/c he keep talkin' bs about my "ford" and that "powerstroke" isn't all it's cracked up to be and that kinda stuff. so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated