Oil consumption Big Time!


Schreck The Tech
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton COlorado

It's better, but still uses oil. It's not leaking it on the ground, it's not burning blue smoke. They changed all the o-rings on the injectors, replaced the other two injectors that were still old. Truck now runs quiet and smooth. First time since I have had it...but still uses oil. It is also smooth when you first start it but will idle a bit rough after running it. If you shut it down and restart after a few moments it is smooth again. I am so depressed that I can hardly stand it. From what I can tell the turbo was not removed like I wanted so I will still need to do that to see for myself for sure. Said he inspected turbo and it showed no signs of shaft play, or leaking from looking without removal. The struck still smokes medium to dark black on medium to hard accelleration. Power is good. And as a plus there is no more oil smoke from under the hood after running on the interstate.

Is there any way an injector can leak oil internally without it being an outside o-ring? (leak inside the injector?)

I have worked it 24 hours in the last 48 and it has used 2 quarts every 100 to 125 miles.

I am also wondering about my fram oil filter...I saw someone mentioned it will make the engine oil foam on this engine. At this point I don't think I will ever need to change oil again because it use it up too fast.


ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
It's better, but still uses oil. It's not leaking it on the ground, it's not burning blue smoke. They changed all the o-rings on the injectors, replaced the other two injectors that were still old. Truck now runs quiet and smooth. First time since I have had it...but still uses oil. It is also smooth when you first start it but will idle a bit rough after running it. If you shut it down and restart after a few moments it is smooth again. I am so depressed that I can hardly stand it. From what I can tell the turbo was not removed like I wanted so I will still need to do that to see for myself for sure. Said he inspected turbo and it showed no signs of shaft play, or leaking from looking without removal. The struck still smokes medium to dark black on medium to hard accelleration. Power is good. And as a plus there is no more oil smoke from under the hood after running on the interstate.

Is there any way an injector can leak oil internally without it being an outside o-ring? (leak inside the injector?)

I have worked it 24 hours in the last 48 and it has used 2 quarts every 100 to 125 miles.

I am also wondering about my fram oil filter...I saw someone mentioned it will make the engine oil foam on this engine. At this point I don't think I will ever need to change oil again because it use it up too fast.

you know black smoke is fuel.. so I'd have to say it's getting enough...

do the trick I told you.. pull the boot off the front of the turbo and look for oil there...


Full Access Member
Jun 30, 2006
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Maryville, TN
Has all 8 injectors been changed now? Did it get worse after changing them. I'm using a quart about every 135 miles now, was about 195, but is getting worse. I have added enough oil to drown my intercooler, but it is dry as a bone. Turbo whines good and loud but when I get on it there is faint brown smoke from it not black or alot of it. We can't be the only ones here having this problem or maybe no one wants to admit it yet. I get a new oil change every 2k miles, it doesn't even turn black, it looks like it was just put in. OH wait, it was just put in!


Schreck The Tech
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton COlorado
all 8 have now been changed and it does seem a bit worse but could be my imagination. ran another 200 miles tonight and towed 3 repos and had a bonus lockout for some people. My fourth one got put in the garage before I got to it. :cool: 1 Gallon of oil per 100 miles. Also had a check engine light come on for a short period of time. I think it is a low turbo boost as I had when trouble started. I will check.

I know the black is fuel and oil should burn blue. But I keep seeing darker than normal should be. I am just thinking if it is not on the ground then it has to be burning it or just tossing it down the pipe. If it burns in the fuel would it show blue? What about if it is in the tail pipe and just mixing?

I will pull that boot on the turbo and report.

If I pull the turbo what type of seals a gaskets do I need?


ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
If I pull the turbo what type of seals a gaskets do I need?

You can actually get a kit from Ford or Navistar that has the pedestal seals and bolts in it.

I had a hell of a time with the clamps at the baby's butt and the downpipe... ended up getting new ones. And it was just long enough ago I can't remember how much any of this stuff is..


Schreck The Tech
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton COlorado
found it

Well I pulled the y pipe off and sure enough there is oil in the intake...lots of it. That confirms my turbo is leaking at the shaft seal correct? Can I rebuild it if that is the case? Or do I need an exchange?


SDD Senior Member
May 31, 2005
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Ukiah, California
No, the oil can be coming from the crankcase. The CCV (Crank Case Vent) goes into the intake system and will bring oil with it. Don't go taking apart your turbo unless you are sure it is the turbo.



Full Access Member
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Savoy IL
Like DaveBen says...it could be Crank Case Ventilation

So I'd first disconnect your CCV line and run it straight to the ground or out back and see how much oil your engine is pushing out the topside. I doubt that is the culprit, but it could be and that is not a good thing. It means that lotsa oil is getting past your rings and not burning up (Crankcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Then the other option is the turbo and that is a straightforward but expensive (or time consuming) turbo replacement/reman. I replaced mine last winter w/rebuilt unit to save time and sent the original back as a 'core' ... get a wicked wheel compressor while you're at it. If you look at my pix you can see a few of the leakage I had. It was not anything like you are quoting, and it was all over the valley not out the tailpipe...so maybe I'm off base here. Just my opinion.

Edit: maybe you should grab an oil sample and get it analyzed. That will tell you if there's a lot of unburned fuel in there, which would point to loose rings and CCV issues? Blackstone labs will do it for you in a few days and about $20.
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