no start need help asap


SDD Junior Member
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Sherburne, NY
this morning went out and fired the truck up and it started right up like it always does while i let the dogs out,after about a couple of minutes it but then all of a sudden it start acting like it was running out of fuel and went to skipping and i went to get in th truck to shut it off and i hit the pedal to try and see if i could clear it up and it went to about 1600 rpms and that was it and it then it will not start.i replaced the fuel filter this morning, and then it still wouldnt start so i checked for any codes with the edge evolution and i got the PO344 which is the CPS,replaced it and still no is smoking white while it is turning over.i cleared the code after i replaced it and it has now set the same code again after it turned over several times after replacing the CPS.i am going to be replacing it again just to make sure it isnt a bad sensor.I went to a buddy's shop and borrowed his otc scanner and hooked it up and it says that all systems ran its series of test and i heard all 8 injectors and they sounded the same.only test it couldnt run was the gp because it will not start and it has to be running for that test.i am going to be checking the fuel pressure this afternoon when my neighbor gets home, he is a mechanic at the local ford dealership and was the diesel tech at the local cherorlet dealership until they got the letter that no dealership wanted and it seems to have him puzzled over the phone.he is going to be bringing home with him another CPS,fuel pump,ford scanner and the fuel pressure guage to check it with.any thoughts or has anybody else ran into this problem before and any help wold be great.

here is something else

i just went outside to try and hold open the sraider valve while my son spun it over and i got air so i pulled the filter out there was some fuel in it not much but some and let him spin it over while i looked in the bowl to see if it was filling up the bowl and while he spun it over it filled up the bowl and it was also trying to hit with the filter off and with the filter on it wouldnt hit a lick just spins over.this has me stumped and several others also.any help would be appricated

this is on a 1996 F250 4x4 7.3


Full Access Member
Aug 13, 2005
Reaction score
st.clair mo.
check the fuel heater fuse in the box under the hood. if blown unplug the heater and put a new fuse in and you should be good to go. the plug is at the bottom of the bowl on the driverside.the heater is the disk in the bottom of the bowl

check you high pressure oil pressure while need 500psi to start

somethings to try. the cps code you got was problie from cranking on it.


Señor Aceite de Soja
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
i just went outside to try and hold open the schrader valve while my son spun it over and i got air so i pulled the filter out there was some fuel in it not much but some and let him spin it over while i looked in the bowl to see if it was filling up the bowl and while he spun it over it filled up the bowl and it was also trying to hit with the filter off and with the filter on it wouldnt hit a lick just spins over.this has me stumped and several others also.any help would be appricated

this is on a 1996 F250 4x4 7.3

Sounds like the lift pump (low pressure side) of your fuel pump is not sucking fuel up from the tank fast enough to keep up with the high pressure side. That's why the fuel bowl is half full. Is there a wet spot under the fuel pump? Is it weeping at the crimp on top of the pump?

Another issue may be an obstruction in the fuel line between the tank and fuel filter.

This is out of left field BUT will it start in neutral?

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