So what is happening is when I try to accelerate the boost will only go to aprox. 5lbs, starts lurching and lots of smoke. Seems like someone has a chain tied to rear bumper and holding it back. This happens from a stop or when out on highway and trying to speed up. If I don’t get into the pedal that hard most of the time it will not lurch and the boost stays under 5lbs. The check engine light has not come on. Looked at all the intercooler hoses and they seem fine. I do see oil on the outside of the hose that connects from turbo to intercooler, at the intercooler. I’m lost HELP!!!!
Thanks Mark
Sounds a lot like what happened to me ijn October 2010. My EGR Valve failed/was blocked to a point where the valve could not move or only could move a very Little bit.
There may be another issue but this check will take you about 30 minutes.
You will need a spray can of carburater cleaner, flat head screwdriver, rags and a set of new EGR Valve O rings*.
* if you are somewhere where you can not get the O rings readily ($10 I think) you will need to be very careful not to nick or damage them.
On the top of your motor between the Altenator and Oil Filter housing is a silver can with a connector attached to the top of it. This is the EGR Valve.
Unscrew the two mounting screws holding the valve into the port. Remove the connector from the top of the EGR Valve.
The valve can be, in some circumstances, in this port pretty tight. using an up ward pulling motion, twist left and right to pull the valve out of its port. If it does not want to come, a paint can lid prying tool will help, a little at a time, on either side.
Remove the EGR Valve, carefully remove two O rings. Using the cleaner dowse the valve and remove the soot. attempt to move the valve up and down by hand and see that is is free of debris or anything else that could prevent the valve from seating.
Inspect the port for heavy sooting. Using a vacuum cleaner remove any loose soot or debris. Do not use a cleaner inside the port.
Reinstall the EGR Valve O rings. If you nick or cut them you MUST replace them. Reinstall the EGR Valve straight into the port, carefully with steady pressure. Again trying to prevent damage to the O rings. Reseat the valve install two screws and reconnect the harness.
If this seems to correct the problem you are having, bring the vehicle to a dealer or shop to give the truck a check over of the EGR Valve and associated tubing.
IF the EGR Valve is/was your problem, the remaining check over by a shop should be relatively inexpensive.
As a caviot, the above is one possibility of your symptoms. There may be another issue at hand. For the length of time it takes to check this, it could be an easy, quick fix IF it indeed is the problem.