New to site. Some ?'s


SDD Junior Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Winnfield, LA
First off just let me say hey. I've worked my butt off to finally get the truck of my dreams (albeit having a six speed in it) I'm not new to diesels or to racing haveing grown up around both and I've worked on the old IDI 6.9s and 7.3s for as long as I can remember. Having a Father and Grandfather who swore they were the best engines ever built. We still have around 10 or 12 of them just for spare parts for our welding and rig trucks. But anyways. Just wanted to tell you all how helpful your site has been. I've already made several of the common mods to my truck based off this website without even making a post. (AIH delete , FPR shimmed) Yes. The search button does work and I use the hell out of it.

Now on to the questions.

The EBPV is from what I have seen when I replaced the turbo on a '97 SD (only one I've ever done) looks just like a throttle plate in a throttle body right? Now does my truck have one? The Wiki for it was down. ??? What is recomended I do with this for more power. I only tow once every few months or so when I move my trailer to a new job. So I don't need it as an E/B. I figured just remove it for a more free flowing exhaust. But then I read about people just unhooking it and tying it open. When does it shut? What is it's main function? I havent seen any pics of how it works. The rod people are talking about. Is that the same rod I have seen on the back of what I assume to be the wastegate actuator (where the red line plugs into the front of it) or is it another one? Where is this oil leak that will develop if I remove it? Can I not just remove it from the exhaust, plug the holes it leaves and not worry about the electronic part that opens it (or closes it? still dont understand it) I have heard of people have the "pedestal" i think it was called modified so it doesnt leak oil? Is that something I could do in my own shop. I consider myself to be a rather good and experienced fabricator and know my way around metal working. Just a few questions to start off with if you all dont mind lending me a hand. Thanks ahead of time for such a great site with so much information. :sorry about the looonng post.


May 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Prairie Wa.
yes you can gut your ebv, it will help you turbo spool just a bit quicker, I have not gutted mine, and will run neck / neck with one that was gutted so I think the benefits are next to nill... JMO BTW Welcome to the site!!!!!!!

The primary purpose of it is to help in warming up the engine in Cold conditions, by adding restriction to the exhaust and Turbo.


Full Access Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Willis, TX
Welcome to Glad the you could join us here. There are DIY trick to remove the resrictions on the turbo. You can delete the AIH which the say it about 20%. Which I see in your sig you already have. The oil that that you are talking about that runs through the boost tubes comes for the CCV tube. There is a DIY on the wiki that will redirect the oil instead of going into the intake will redirect it to the bottom of the truck. Keep you questions coming lots of good guys here with good info. Good engine to start working with.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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First of all.. WELCOME !!

JMO but as others have said: Gut'n the EBPV does'nt realy get you much, but to each his/her own.

I use mine for a X-brake (of sorts). I just gives a little hold back when going down hill. I wired it controlled by a switch.. I can turn it on in cold weather if needed.

Again.. WELCOME:thumbs


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