New to me Lance Camper Questions

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
BIG JOE said:
Hey Hoss... Yer guna like that Lance. I had a 91, 11.5, on a 91 DRW. Left it permanently mounted on the truck (so I could Beat the wieght fees, here in Caly),Put 165K on both, sold the Lance, bought a FW. The Lance is still in as good a shape as it was.. NEW... Miss the thing.

Anyway... What robert said, as far as the electrical goes. On the Will It Clear ? Prolly not.

What I (we) did for the guy I sold it to was: Built a Grid type platform, out of 2X4s that lined up on EACH ridge of the bed. Screwed & Glued it together, counter sunk the screws so they would'nt "Work" on the bottom of the Camper, covered the whole thing with 3/8s Marine Grade plywood. Gave him the rubber Camper mat.... laid it in, put the grid on it, mounted the Lance... I see it now & then, talked with him once, NO problems.... He has left it on his DRW since 2K, when I sold it to him. (beating the Wt Fee's also)

The guy yer buying it from prolly Knows the Ropes, but if theres anything I can help you with ? Le'me know.

So my "shim" needs to be 2 2x4's thick (3") for it to clear, then? YOur fix sounds pretty easy, really. I could fabricate that in 20 minutes. Did you put the rubber mat on top of the shim, or under it? Is the mat necessary for short-term use? We only use it a weekend at a time.

Now, the next worry is whether the jacks on the camper will lift it high enough to clear my three-inch shim... THis is starting to get way more complicated than I like things to be.... :D Thanks so far for the help, guys!!!

Oh, BTW< I am having a thought... with the shim, I could also build a battery tray for an auxilliary battery in the bed of the pickup, and have TWICE the battery goodness for elk hunting and such. Hmmm, I'm a fart smeller, I mean, smart feller....


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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The "Shim" Needs to be what it Needs to be. What you need to do is: get a measurement from the bottom of yer bed, to the >Crown< of yer cab roof. Then measure from the bottom of the Camper body to the underside of the Camper overhang.... compare the two.... see what it Needs to be. you need about 4+" of clearance from the highest point on yer cab roof, to the underside of the Camper overhang. You mention Elk hunting.... you MAY want more clearance.

JMO but anything over 5-6 inches... you've gone from "Shimming" to "Cribbing". you may want to re-think things ?

The one I built was 1 & 7/8s, (finish measurement) 2X4s on thiers sides (1 3/4) + the 3/8 P/wood. That gave about 5 1/2"s, (a Fist) on a Cebby DRW.

FWIW...I installed a 7 pin connector on the inside. left. front corner of the bed, on mine. Ran a 10ga wire from the Key-on, side of the seliniod and connected it to the Center Pins on the connecters. Someplace on the camper theres prolly a battery, in a compartment. (Outside)

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Scholars and gentlemen, the lot of you!

Thanks for all your help, guys!

My wife is sort of partial to using some high-density styrofoam for the shim, because it will be lighter, and will be easier for her to put in by herself when she needs to.

As far as the connector, I've decided to wire a standard 7-pin, since I know and am familiar with them.

Don't know if I have relays in or not, but now I know where to look, thanks to you guys! I should have her wired in less than an hour tonight, if all goes as planned.

Also, one last thing...

the previous owner has a second battery solenoid wired, and had a second battery hooked up to the system. The wires are cut off because they were keeping the battery inside under the sink :eek: and found out that is not only stupid but illegal.

However, since it is wired up, I figure I'll stick the extra battery in the bed of the pickup (there are access doors on the kick panels of the camper) and have a second battery hooked up for them long, cold nights elk hunting. I'm excited about that. That will be really nice!

Again, thanks for all the help, I'm excited about my new setup. I've had my ghetto-on wheels (76 Conestoga) for so long, I think I had no idea what I was missing. This should open my eyes a little as to how nice a newer camper can be!!!


Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
You will like the Lance. I purchased a new one in 1994 and we really enjoyed it until we outgrew it. In 1997 we traded it for a 27' travel trailer because the three boys were getting to big. Five in a 8.5' camper is too many. Once the kids are all grow up and gone we will probably get another one.

You are making the right choice by changing the plug. The lance plug is only made and sold by Lance and anytime you have any trouble they are a pain to get. It is also nice to have a standard RV plug encase you ever put it on a buddy's truck.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Well, I got it wired, looks pretty good. I just have one last question...

I disconnected the factory trailer wiring harness at the rear bumper, and probed to find which wire did which, then spliced into them up in front of the fuel tank.

Apparently, the BIG orange wire is the hot wire from the alternator, which should be hot when the engine is running. It is not. THe relays are in place, so the only thing left is the maxi-fuse in the under hood fuse panel. FOrd does not necessarily install these from the factory. There is only one fuse missing, but I do not have an owner's manual for my truck, so I do not know what the numbers for the fuses go to. COuld someone please post a link to a list of what the numbers/amp loads are for the maxis under the hood? Or check your owner's manual and tell me which one is trailer auxilliary power and what amp rating it needs?


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
it could be fuse 115 and at 20 amps,
the ford site stops with real good info at year 2001
Hopefully bill has it on his collection of smart stuff

glad to hear the rest is going goooooood :D

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