
Welcome! I too am pretty new around here, I too just bought an 06 and had the same feelings as you. And of course, everyone I talk to "knows it all" and says the 6.0 is such a piece of junk....blah blah blah. My close friend is the Main diesel tech at the local Ford place, and has given me heads up on everything. Change oil religiously every 3K miles to preserve the injectors, and use ONLY motorcraft oil (NO ROTELLA!) and the fuel filterS religiously every 15K miles.
PLENTY of us run rotella (and other oils) and we TEST our oil to confirm
things are ok. I change my oil every 5k and almost EVERY report ive gotten
back says i could safely run the oil longer.
70k on 04, and never had a problem...its run motorcraft oil for less
than 7k miles !
And good for you! I was just stating what I have been told by him and many others. Didnt say thats what everyone HAD to do.
ill give you THREE guesses (1st two wont count) WHY your friend
wants you to change the oil EARLIER than NECESSARY and REFILL
w/ HIS <hint: exclusive & overpriced> OIL...
probably wants to sell you one of his 39 dollar filters too (available @ EXACTLY the same box & packaging for 15 bucks) !
ill give you THREE guesses (1st two wont count) WHY your friend
wants you to change the oil EARLIER than NECESSARY and REFILL
w/ HIS <hint: exclusive & overpriced> OIL...
probably wants to sell you one of his 39 dollar filters too (available @ EXACTLY the same box & packaging for 15 bucks) !