Looking to upgrade my speakers in my CC '02. Running it straight off my 6-disc factory HU. Any suggestions/ stay away froms? 6x8's, 5x7's, round, oval?
Also check out Crutchfield.com. They have quite a bit of selection, and they show you what fits you'r vehicle. I was thinking of upgrading my speakers to.
look around then do a serch on the net for a better price. Alltho Crutchfield has a lot and is a great site to find out what you want, there way way over priced.
best buy is way over priced to for the prices you can find online.
Look at the Infinity Referance series. they have great reviews and have a great price.
i have the memphis 6x8's i dont remember what class they are but they arent the super cheap ones they have kevlar in them and come with crossovers and werent that bad i think they were like 500 bux or so installed