Thanks for the welcome. I hate to say it, but I tend to have too much fun
I will say this though, having just recently gotten into domestics I'm finding very quickly that depending on what it is I'm trying to do, the options are far more limited. For example, on my SHO there's no such thing as open source tuning. As it is, for my model year, only one shop has any sort of tuning "option" (I use the word guardedly) and does not offer a means of self tuning with their product.
I'm just starting to delve into this truck. I'm not really going to go terribly deep into it by my standards, but by some they'll say it's up there. I figure as long as I can get more mileage with more power, my goals will be met. Either way, I'm using this forum as the start of my research into what I'll need and will ask questions where appropriate.