Not GREY at all. It is all laid out in black and white. If it is not a statutorily prohibited location and if they do not post a VALID 30.06 compliant sign, then carry on. It always has to be concealed anyway, excepting your own property.
i meant by grey as in freaking out a grey haired security guard if you happen to not conceal it very well, for some reason bank folks get weird when they notice someone not carrying concealed enough
i personally dont want the hassle, so banks i avoid.
here i see folks in walmart carrying and its just to darn easy to tell they are packing.
schools, polling places on election day, government offices(city, state, federal), bars that have over 50% of their revenue come from alcohol sales are a no no.
you can however lock it in your car at the school in the parking lot, just not "takey iny schooly", this allows you to drop off your kiddies for class or have a parent teacher meeting.
fire is very right about the posting of signage, if its not posted as a NO concealed zone, then its fair game, funny thing arounf here is most places simply have a sign stating "no ILLEGAL firearms allowed" so if your licensed its game on and your good.
NOW... the Gander mountain store has a weird sign, "all firearms going to the gunsmith must be checked at the customer service desk" then they will come up and escort you back. BUT, you can carry concealed .