living well in Texas
Introduces the kit that every 6.0 owner needs for those very likely and often intercooler tube connection BLOW offs.
Our kits includes
(1) 16oz bottle of isopropyl alcohol
(1) 16 oz aerosol can of white rain extra hold hairspray
(3) Cotton 8 x 8 shop towels
(1) 7/16” combination wrench (stubby)
(1) Pair of mechanics gloves
(1) Spring clamp
Our kit promises to get you back on the road and off the emergency lane quickly.
Here is one of out happy customer’s testimonials
Yep wife and I plus our two grandchildren and dogs, were running west bound on interstate 10 in north Florida, it was one of them HOT days, the mercury was bouncing around 98 F. We were loaded down heavy with a cargo trailer in tow, pulling 30 Lbs of boost, EGT right near 1200.
An unlucky motorcycle was just passing my left fender when BAAAMMMM, it sounded like a front tire had blown, poor guy did the wiggle and I thought for sure was going to dump it. I thought I had lost a tire, but had no pull or odd steering pull.
Immediately I noticed I had no power and the EGT’s were cruising up past 1400 F . WHOLLLY cow
I mumbled and slowed down to the shut down emergency lane.
Yes sir when I opened my door I could hear the jet engine sounds emanating from the passenger side engine compartment. As I opened the hood I could see my lower blue coupling had blown off the intercooler and my clamp was precariously wedged between the radiator and frame.
If I had had my new POWERCO kit, I could have been back on the road and heading home. But NO SIR, all i had was a pair of channel locks and a few rags, we limped at 25-40 mph for about 15 miles till we found salvation from bentoville. Yep walmart. these 6.0's aint got no power without boost
got me a new set of cheapo wrenches, hair spray and some alcohol.
you'd think the folks that designed this puppy to pull 30-35lbs of boost that the darn hoses would STAY PUT.

i may have damaged the engine, cant get the CEL to stay off for any lenght of time, will go see the ford guy on monday
Introduces the kit that every 6.0 owner needs for those very likely and often intercooler tube connection BLOW offs.
Our kits includes
(1) 16oz bottle of isopropyl alcohol
(1) 16 oz aerosol can of white rain extra hold hairspray
(3) Cotton 8 x 8 shop towels
(1) 7/16” combination wrench (stubby)
(1) Pair of mechanics gloves
(1) Spring clamp
Our kit promises to get you back on the road and off the emergency lane quickly.
Here is one of out happy customer’s testimonials

Yep wife and I plus our two grandchildren and dogs, were running west bound on interstate 10 in north Florida, it was one of them HOT days, the mercury was bouncing around 98 F. We were loaded down heavy with a cargo trailer in tow, pulling 30 Lbs of boost, EGT right near 1200.
An unlucky motorcycle was just passing my left fender when BAAAMMMM, it sounded like a front tire had blown, poor guy did the wiggle and I thought for sure was going to dump it. I thought I had lost a tire, but had no pull or odd steering pull.
Immediately I noticed I had no power and the EGT’s were cruising up past 1400 F . WHOLLLY cow

Yes sir when I opened my door I could hear the jet engine sounds emanating from the passenger side engine compartment. As I opened the hood I could see my lower blue coupling had blown off the intercooler and my clamp was precariously wedged between the radiator and frame.
If I had had my new POWERCO kit, I could have been back on the road and heading home. But NO SIR, all i had was a pair of channel locks and a few rags, we limped at 25-40 mph for about 15 miles till we found salvation from bentoville. Yep walmart. these 6.0's aint got no power without boost

got me a new set of cheapo wrenches, hair spray and some alcohol.
you'd think the folks that designed this puppy to pull 30-35lbs of boost that the darn hoses would STAY PUT.

i may have damaged the engine, cant get the CEL to stay off for any lenght of time, will go see the ford guy on monday