I wish my recall work only took two hours! I called Tues for an appt for all three recalls to be done (fuel tank strap, venturi-T, and reflash, along with a scheduled maint oil change), and was told I didn't need an appt. I dropped it off at 8am, and was asked why an appt hadn't been made. After telling them I DID call, they asked if I could leave it overnight. Luckily my wife drove her truck to work and was able to pick me up (we usually ride together). I finally called to check on it after waiting all day to hear something, and they said it MIGHT be ready by closing time...

I just told 'em I'd pick it up sometime tomorrow. Can you believe 48 hrs just to do a couple of simple routine recalls and an oil change???

Guess I'll find out tomorrow if the reflash helps any. My mileage really suffered this last tank of fuel - only got about 13.8 'cause the stupid DPF came on at least once a day for three days in a row! I was coasting downhill and watched my mileage decrease 1/10 about every 10 seconds. I know one thing, the SECOND my warranty is up, that DPF is going in the trash and a straight pipe w/ programmer will be going on!
Sorry for the rant.

Just can't believe the repair time-frame. I'll post the results (if any) of the reflash w/ mileage as soon as I get it back tomorrow (hopefully).