New computer..


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Does anyone use Linux? My oldest son does internet development and programming, and he loves it better than Windows. A few years ago, he worked with a group in Missouri that owned 8 radio stations. They had two servers, one Linux and one Windows. The Windows server had to be rebooted at least once a week. The one with Linux burned up a hard drive and never had to be rebooted. He's sold on the system. In fact, I believe that IBM recently went with Linux and got away from Windows. I've heard very little about the new Windows Vista, I believe I would be saying "Hasta La Vista" to it too. It's kinda like buying a brand new car model - wait a few years until the bugs are out, then buy one.


SDD Senior Member
May 31, 2005
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Ukiah, California
I actually have a few Linux machines like; Lindows and Ubuntu along with a couple of Windows and my Mac. Finding applications in Linux is tougher than Mac or Windows. Linux is fun to play with.



Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Linux is open source code, and a offshoot of Unix. Very stable. Many companies are using Linux for the server's operating system. Free is a good thing.
So far is Vista is concerned, it will be the OS for Microsoft for some time to come. Drivers, software etc. are sure to come. It has it's limits now, but if you want to run Microsoft software, you will need to at some point purchase Vista. I have one machine with win98, one with xp, and now the new one with vista. I use the win98 out in the shop, to run old but good dos automotive programs for the race cars.
I agree that vista looks like it will have a teething time period.
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Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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if I had my way I'd still be running Novell 3.1 :roflmao

I managed a windows network, 120 PC's and 4 NT (I discovered that really stands for "not today") servers across 6 states, worked well most of the time but when it had issues they were serious issues that kept even MS tech's wondering.

Hey John,,, you bring back old memories... NT for us meant Nice Try.
I went to CNE school in Sacramento, to get that bit of information. When I left the company we where at Novell 4.11, and had got rid of all the NT Servers. They were horrible. Allways repairing them. I was very reluctant to go to Microsoft servers, until around 2000, when they improved their os which made them close to the stability of Novell, but had more program flexibility.


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
You guys that have Mac's have never had to network them. Mac's are a good stand alone system. Vista will have teething problems just like the 6.0 engine did, and probably the 6.4 engine will have.
After doing extensive testing, I found that the hard drive on my new computer was defective. So Dell is sending me a replacement. Mac has a lot going for it out of a network environment. It is a solid operating system, especially os 10.
PC's have by far more software available and have many advantages over the mac. I retired as Network Supervisor of a large company that had 31 servers and 5000 workstations. Most all were PC'S because of networking ease and speed. We did have some mac's that were stand alone. Both are good in their own way. Yes the early years of PC's that used DOS, were not user friendly, but that is old history, and since windows 95, XP and now VISTA, ease of use is really not a problem. My first computer was a Commodore Pet, then IBM PCAT, then went through all the OS's from dos 3, 95,98,me,2000,xp and now vista. Both PC'S and Mac's have had their backward compatibility issues.
Since most all computers are built out of this country, quality control might be more of an issue in the future. Time will tell. I have heard that some of the larger hard drives are having more problems than a few years ago. Companies balance price with quality, and sometimes quality suffers.

Don't have a problem networking Macs here. Now if you INSIST on using Microsoft networking software, there will be problems. You expect MS to make things easy on a competitor?

Six Macs and two Windows boxes on my home network. When I was in the service, our shop was a mixed environment, too. All we had to remember was if we had to 'sneakernet" a file, to save the file in MS-DOS format (yes, I was in the service THAT long ago!)

No offense is meant, but I have found that many IT pros who are dyed in the wool Microsoft fans say that very thing about Macs and networks. And they are wrong.

I just ordered my new MacBook. My local exchange store has been out of stock for a month. I ordered from the exchange catalog. My new MacBook will be here in mid March.

Yes, Macs are selling so well they can't keep them in stock, not even at CDW or Ingram Micro!


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Sewanee, TN
Microsoft - providing job security for information technology professionals for over thirty years!
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Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Yes, us 10,000 plus IT Pro's using PC's are all wrong....Tell me about all the 1000 plus all Mac machines that are networked together in a business?..... Can you find one?? outside of maybe Apple Inc. Since Mac X10, networking the Mac's has been better, and again this will probably by my last post on this subject,,, but there are many other facets of networking besides attaining a connection. Just one, and there are many more is software compatibility across the network. The wise person chooses the software that they need, then buys the computer that will best run that software. Example is if you were interested in High end graphics,,, then a Mac with the latest OS is the best choice. When using business software and sharing business software, at this time PC's are the best choice...Yes you can purchase software to make a Mac emulate a PC, but at what price?
AGAIN and I say again,,, Mac is a great stand alone computer... Networks,,, and I mean large networks, in the business world, not just five or ten computers use PC's ..
By the way,,, I am not angry, or upset in any way... I think discussing a point of view is a good thing. Everyone has a right to their opinion, right or wrong.
Ok... I guess the best way to put it, is that until you have run a large network, you do not know what it takes to make it run smoothly.
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Digital Oxygen

Got Boost?
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score

Yes, us 10,000 plus IT Pro's using PC's are all wrong....

Wrong? No. But let's look at it this way. Most of today's youth grew up and is growing up with Windows boxes. Old school admins that were kids in the 70's, grew up mostly with MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, etc. Then, windows came along and changed everything.

I firmly believe the reason apple is not as popular as it could be is because of Apple's retarded licensing in the 80's and 90's. Basically, their license said... Well. there really was no license, because they did not allow cloning of apples, unlike IBM PC's. IBM let anyone build motherboards and peripherials for the PC. Apple did not. Had Apple licensed third parties to build machines like IBM did, then we might have a different computing world today.

Tell me about all the 1000 plus all Mac machines that are networked together in a business?..... Can you find one?? outside of maybe Apple Inc. Since Mac X10, networking the Mac's has been better, and again this will probably by my last post on this subject,,, but there are many other facets of networking besides attaining a connection.

I can't, since I am not in the IT business.

Just one, and there are many more is software compatibility across the network. The wise person chooses the software that they need, then buys the computer that will best run that software.

BINGO! But then can we not similarly say that Windows boxes are inferior for networking to say, Sun networks because of software incompatability?
Networked windows boxes work great in a network because all the software is made to run on x86. Similarly, OS X boxes will do great in their own network because they use similar software.

Example is if you were interested in High end graphics,,, then a Mac with the latest OS is the best choice.

PC's are catching up in that department.

When using business software and sharing business software, at this time PC's are the best choice...Yes you can purchase software to make a Mac emulate a PC, but at what price? [/quote]

What do businesses use? Business software, mostly, right? Office, quickebooks, Adobe software, etc. Microsoft, Intuit, Adobe, etc makes OS x compatible software as well. And 99% of the time, the db format is the same, so say, and Office file saved in OS x, will easily open in Office for Windows. And since you've been (i assume since it was a large network) working for large companies, you know as well as I do that a lot of software used by a big company is written inhouse. Scripts, small programs, what have you.

AGAIN and I say again,,, Mac is a great stand alone computer... Networks,,, and I mean large networks, in the business world, not just five or ten computers use PC's ..

This is where we hold differing views. And that is fine, right?

By the way,,, I am not angry, or upset in any way... I think discussing a point of view is a good thing. Everyone has a right to their opinion, right or wrong.

I'd hope you're not angry. We're having a civilized discussion, you &^$#%$%^$%^$^. :lol:.

Ok... I guess the best way to put it, is that until you have run a large network, you do not know what it takes to make it run smoothly.

Um... that's an easy one. Software and hardware that works. :p

Incidentally, here is an uptime off my laptop. Typically, I only power it down when I get on airplanes, because OMG! it may make the plane crash! - yes, I know, it's a bunch of hogwash-.

ps. Admins, your upload script is tEh broken. And I don't feel like uploading the screenshot to our company servers to host it.

Digital Oxygen

Got Boost?
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score

Yes, us 10,000 plus IT Pro's using PC's are all wrong....

Wrong? No. But let's look at it this way. Most of today's youth grew up and is growing up with Windows boxes. Old school admins that were kids in the 70's, grew up mostly with MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, etc. Then, windows came along and changed everything.

I firmly believe the reason apple is not as popular as it could be is because of Apple's retarded licensing in the 80's and 90's. Basically, their license said... Well. there really was no license, because they did not allow cloning of apples, unlike IBM PC's. IBM let anyone build motherboards and peripherials for the PC. Apple did not. Had Apple licensed third parties to build machines like IBM did, then we might have a different computing world today.

Tell me about all the 1000 plus all Mac machines that are networked together in a business?..... Can you find one?? outside of maybe Apple Inc. Since Mac X10, networking the Mac's has been better, and again this will probably by my last post on this subject,,, but there are many other facets of networking besides attaining a connection.

I can't, since I am not in the IT business.

Just one, and there are many more is software compatibility across the network. The wise person chooses the software that they need, then buys the computer that will best run that software.

BINGO! But then can we not similarly say that Windows boxes are inferior for networking to say, Sun networks because of software incompatability?
Networked windows boxes work great in a network because all the software is made to run on x86. Similarly, OS X boxes will do great in their own network because they use similar software.

Example is if you were interested in High end graphics,,, then a Mac with the latest OS is the best choice.

PC's are catching up in that department.

When using business software and sharing business software, at this time PC's are the best choice...Yes you can purchase software to make a Mac emulate a PC, but at what price? [/quote]

What do businesses use? Business software, mostly, right? Office, quickebooks, Adobe software, etc. Microsoft, Intuit, Adobe, etc makes OS x compatible software as well. And 99% of the time, the db format is the same, so say, and Office file saved in OS x, will easily open in Office for Windows. And since you've been (i assume since it was a large network) working for large companies, you know as well as I do that a lot of software used by a big company is written inhouse. Scripts, small programs, what have you. As far as emulation... What emulation? with the new MacTels, windows and OS X can peacefully coexist. You install the Paralels software, and both OS's will run at the same time on the same machine.

AGAIN and I say again,,, Mac is a great stand alone computer... Networks,,, and I mean large networks, in the business world, not just five or ten computers use PC's ..

This is where we hold differing views. And that is fine, right?

By the way,,, I am not angry, or upset in any way... I think discussing a point of view is a good thing. Everyone has a right to their opinion, right or wrong.

I'd hope you're not angry. We're having a civilized discussion, you &^$#%$%^$%^$^. :lol:.

Ok... I guess the best way to put it, is that until you have run a large network, you do not know what it takes to make it run smoothly.

Um... that's an easy one. Software and hardware that works. :p

Incidentally, here is an uptime off my laptop. Typically, I only power it down when I get on airplanes, because OMG! it may make the plane crash! - yes, I know, it's a bunch of hogwash-.

ps. Admins, your upload script is tEh broken. And I don't feel like uploading the screenshot to our company servers to host it.

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