I hate to be the one to say it but what about the cummins 6.7?
That is what we need to really see. Who is going to win that one? We are not compairing apples to apples here.
But I do have to say ....BOOOYAAAHH
If we thought the Duramax and the Cummins were powerhouse....the 6.4 might have itself a real market gain...cough when the price comes down 20K and or I find a wrecked one
Here is the last real important question. Is our younger more computer inclined generation going to be able to derive ways to overcome all the power robbing electronics and fab up ways to bring its true potential out.
But I do see some easy upgrades comming for it soon.
Obviously it would be interesting to see what the DP looks like and if with a power module we can gut the cat and open up I think a couple bigger better turbos and some injectors and we are going to see some WHOOOOPASSSS going on. Give us a chance at the Dyno's.
Or is this truck doing so well becuase they are already doing those things that we would do to overcome the emissions.
HMMMMM good questions and hopefully we find out soon. But so far Hot damn Ford has really got something.