SDD Super Mod/Staff
It is a running driving vehicle so loading is no problem.
I thought about Bama?
bush, here is what he said, it does run.
bushpilot said, i would of course take all necessary precautions but i wouldnt be
liable...i have hauled more expensive things for friends...for a lot less (the
cost of fuel).
see, this is what gets me, i can understand haulin something for a friend, but here is where i have a problem. what if something happens bush, what if mabye a strap breaks loose, or you have a wreck.
you tear up the toyota, total it, or you kill somebody. are you gonna be liable then?
thats why i pay 40 to 50 grand in insurance every year, to protect ourselves from others, and to protect the general public if God forbid, my driver has an accident and someone gets killed.
if you are gonna haul for money, then you are for hire. you must by law, have ICC-MC authority to do so, you must have a US-DOT number, you must have these numbers placed on your vehicle, that is visible and easy to see.
you must carry liability and cargo insurance. you must have a vehicle inspection label on the truck and trailer, showing that all components have been inspected and are in operating order.
then you got these "hot shot" 3 car rigs out here on the roads hauling for hire, but have no name on their trucks, makin out fake bill of sales, as if they own the cars, when they are really haulin for hire. and doin this all to avoid the expense of an ICC-MC#, DOT#, having to pay qrtly fuel taxes, IFTA taxes, heavy highway use taxes, the proper kind of plates to haul the weight they are haulin, and so on, and so on.
no wonder insurances rates keep goin up each year. sorry for the rant.
i'm not sayin that i am the only company there is that can move this car, and maybe you are inquiring about it too help out another person as a favor, but if i got you to haul my car, and something happened to it that was your fault, or you caused it to be damaged in anyway, you bet your gonna be liable for it.
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