well the car still runs,at WOT!i was trying to get her CD player adapter out of the radio and decide that while i had the jumper cables i would see if it ran.it fired right up but the throttle is stuck open.dont know why as the motor itself and the drivers floor is basicly unmoved.and no i couldnt get the adapter out of the radio.
and yes i am still pissed at her about this and i can tell she knows im not happy.she didnt have a whole lot to say to me when i seen her today.she has a nasty burn on her chest from the airbag and thats it.
my poor nephew,alex my little alien.oh man that poor kid.his head is full of cuts.hes got a few stitches but thank god no cuts on his little face

.i can tell he is still a little freaked out over it.normally he will come right over to me for donut moneys and a mooch(kisses).he didnt want to come near me for about an hour

.it cost me 5 bux but i finally got him to come give me a big mooch and hug

.i just wanted to slap the snot out of my sister after seeing him.
the baby,jonathan was happy to see me again and came right over to me giggling and smileing.thats my pukey(he used to puke on me every time i picked him up)hopefully he doesnt remember what happened.my sister and her husband couldnt agree on a name for him so i said name him jonathan,so i got to name this one

DSS got an "anonymous tip"now they are all over her.waiting to see how this plays out.if it comes to it i will step in and do what i gotta do to get those kids,even if i have to sell everything i own i
WILL get them before they end up in a foster home or group home!!!!!!!!!!!!!