my nephew and sister need your help


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
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This is good news to start off my day knowing the lil guy was able to recover;tu ;tu So I thank you:notworthy

I hope your sister has learned something from this experience and not be a second time.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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she hasnt learned a thing yet.but when i get ahold of her she will.but to get it into her head i gotta be a little mean,unfortunatelythe thing with my sister is she doesnt listen when you talk nice.she wont listen to my parents but she will listen to me.but to get it into her head you gotta be little mean with her to get the point accross.

she was more worried about the goodie bags for the babys birthday party in the front seat than she was about the kids.she was pissed cuz i couldnt get them out of the car.they were covered with antifreeze from the heater core not happy about that at all!she was mad cause she spent 70 bux on the party stuff.i was able to save all but the goodie i gave my mother my last 50.00 to give her to go get some stuff for the party.

i didnt even get a thank you for that never mind paying the tow bill on the car and makeing sure she got all her laundry and other belongings before it was stolen from the car or soaked by the rain.but its ok cuz i know the kids will appreciate it some services is all over her for other reasons and this isnt gonna help.she will probably end up loseing the kids.and ill be damned if they end up in a foster home or something.i will sell everything i own to make sure i get those kids!!

she had the baby in a car seat for a toddler.i dont know why.if she couldnt afford the right car seat for him all she had to do was ask me.i wouldve bought the right car seat for him.if i didnt have the money for it i would have came up with the money before the day was over.she knows i will get what she needs for those 2 boys if she cant.her husband is as useless as tits on a kids are well taken care of,they have everything they need and more.i can afford to help her out if needed and i have done it.i bought them winter jackets cuz she didnt have the money for them.ive bought formula,medications,diapers and the doctors office co-pay for the baby.ive done work to the car to make sure it was safe to have the kids in.spent my own money for the parts.i have never asked for a dime of it back.

the older nephew has gotten the same from me.he even gets donut and munchkin money from me.he reaches right into my pocket to get my change for donuts.i take him out to my truck to pick through my change holder for quarters.he only takes the quarters cuz thats how mommy pays for his donuts.the baby hasnt gotten that idea yet but hes only a year old.
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living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
Glad to hear the little ones are recovery well.
sounds like my daugher inlaw and your sis are from the same mold.
let me know the cure, short of stragling her.

thats why i have the grandkids more than she does.

again. give the little ones lots of love and attention and focus on the positives.


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
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Alabama The Beautiful
glad to hear everyone is doing better. hope they continue to get stronger each day. sometimes we have family that just doesn't realize what the important things in life are. the material things in life can always be replaced, but human lives cannot. unfortunately sometimes it takes a tragic accident to wake people up, so they will realize that somethings are just more important. keep on doin' the things that you do for your nephews, they will appreciate all that you do for all long time.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
94f450sd said:
well she made the front page of the newsapaper.but the freakin paper used it basically as an advertisement for car seats.and her husband once again made himself sound like a jackass

oh and remember her husband is 50 years old when you read this

dont feel bad In-laws like that are everywhere, even south texas

maybe he can get a right sized seat now for the baby :dunno
either way glad to hear the kids are doing better.:sweet


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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well the car still runs,at WOT!i was trying to get her CD player adapter out of the radio and decide that while i had the jumper cables i would see if it fired right up but the throttle is stuck open.dont know why as the motor itself and the drivers floor is basicly unmoved.and no i couldnt get the adapter out of the radio.

and yes i am still pissed at her about this and i can tell she knows im not happy.she didnt have a whole lot to say to me when i seen her today.she has a nasty burn on her chest from the airbag and thats it.

my poor nephew,alex my little alien.oh man that poor kid.his head is full of cuts.hes got a few stitches but thank god no cuts on his little face :( .i can tell he is still a little freaked out over it.normally he will come right over to me for donut moneys and a mooch(kisses).he didnt want to come near me for about an hour :( .it cost me 5 bux but i finally got him to come give me a big mooch and hug :D .i just wanted to slap the snot out of my sister after seeing him.

the baby,jonathan was happy to see me again and came right over to me giggling and smileing.thats my pukey(he used to puke on me every time i picked him up)hopefully he doesnt remember what sister and her husband couldnt agree on a name for him so i said name him jonathan,so i got to name this one :sweet .

DSS got an "anonymous tip"now they are all over her.waiting to see how this plays out.if it comes to it i will step in and do what i gotta do to get those kids,even if i have to sell everything i own i WILL get them before they end up in a foster home or group home!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
94f450sd said:
i will step in and do what i gotta do to get those kids
Glad they're doing okay. It's such a shame that DSS has to step in (involving any cases). Having kids also adds responsibilities, and sadly, it seems your sister is not living up to hers (and evidently her husband <you noticed I didn't say brother in law> is not living up to his either, even at 50). Everyone is different, you can have 18 year old parents that are as responsible as the day is long, then you have 40-50 year old parents that still need their butts "kicked all the way to town and back". She's very lucky that no one was hurt any worse than they were and better yet, lucky that no one was killed. Without getting into personal business, it seems that he must be a "loser" if you're always having to pitch in and help out. Sorry for the rant, I'm just highly pissed off about the whole thing but glad you're there to help. It's worse than terrible to see little innocent children suffer the consequences of immature parents. Sadly, this is a common occurrence.

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