FYI Motorcraft Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil


Diesel Power Junkie
Jul 25, 2008
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I was at my dealership a few days ago to pick up my brother's 06 6.0 and noticed a display at the cashier's window that showed all of Ford's engine oil offerings. Included in the offering was a Synthetic 5W-40 oil for diesels in 5 quart bottles.

I followed up and got a price from my dealership parts counter buddy and his cost is $33/ 5qt. bottle. I have no idea how this compares to other store bought synthetics, since I have never priced any Synthetic Diesel Oils before this, so I guess I need to start looking.

Now my problem is this: My owners manual says that I really should use 15W-40 when pulling trailers especially when air temp is above 50*F. However, I pull trailers year round and this past winter in Maryland was cold enough that the 15W-40 was thick down at 0*F mark and it made for some sluggish cranking on the engine when starting. I only use the Motorcraft 15W-40 Diesel Oil brand because it is widely available at all of the local auto parts stores, Wal-Marts and Ford dealerships. Of course it remains to be seen how widely available the new 5W-40 synthetic will be.

So here are my questions: Will this new Motorcraft 5W-40 Diesel Engine Oil satisfy my cold weather needs and still give me the protection I need during the summers on the east coast where we see temps in the upper 90's? I know I'll still have 40 weight oil when the engine is warm, but the thinner 5 weight oil just seems thin to me. At what engine temp does the oil start acting like the thicker 40 weight?

I have installed a FS-2500 bypass filter on the engine and I did this with the hopes of better protecting the engine and injection system. My reasoning for this was due to the fact that I was previously on 5,000 mile OCI's and lost three injectors while using Valvoline Premium Blue Diesel Oil. That was 20,000 miles ago. For the last 20,000 miles I have been using the above mentioned Motorcraft 15W-40 Super Duty Diesel Oil on 3,000 mile OCI's and the truck has run excellent.

For me the jury is still out on the 10,000 mile plus OCI's with synthetic. I have heard of owners with Used Oil Analysis sheets being denied warranty claims. My warranty is long gone and the truck only has 48,000 miles on it so I'm afraid to extend the OCI's and then have that cause problems with my injection system or other vital components, which will cost me big money.

Sorry for the long post that may seem similar to other posts, I just felt like my situation warranted a fresh look and I really respect the opinions of the members on this board.:hail
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MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif

A couple points I would like to make. One is your engine oil will not have much to do with your injectors going out. Extended OCI will not have any affect on the injectors either. The fact that you have an FS-2500 is good for your engine and the longevity of the engine.

If your not going to extend your OCI out past 3k do not spend the extra money on synthetic oil. Your wasting your money with synthetic oils and 3k mile OCI. If you want to extend your OCI out to say 7500 or 10k when you have to change the FS filter anyway then get a synthetic that will give you a guaratee since your warranty is up get one from your oil MFG.

To the point of 5W-40 oil, it will work just fine for you in all seasons. It is a 5W oil on start up and your engine will reach operating temp (40 weight oil) within 10 minutes in the spring and summer. Once again as long as you have a quality synthetic oil you will have protection at start up even when its 70, 80, 90* ambient temps.

Your good to go with a 5W-40 you just need to decide if you want to extend OCI. If you do I think you know what I can do for you and you will get an extended OCI guarantee with the product I can supply you. I don't think you will find an extended OCI guarantee with any other product.

Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.
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Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fort McMurray/Alberta
MJ synthetics


I have to disagree with your two points wrt the 6.0. The cleanliness of the oil is critical to proper operation of the injectors. Synthetic or not, a longer OCI will result in dirtier oil, unless a bypass filtration system is used. I use amsoil plus the bypass system, but I wouldn't even consider extending the OCI unless the bypass system was installed. Synthetic alone benefits the engine with better cold start and hot temp operations, less wear, etc, but it will load up with contaminants like dino - then you get injector issues.


ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
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here's my :2c (I use and sell the stuff both)

synthetic oils actually start out as mineral oils, which are then chemically altered so every molecule has the same size at both ranges of temperature.

the only thing that's going to differ to give you a longer oil change interval is the filtration and additive package.

since additive package information is proprietary and trademarked, oil companies are not going to tell you much about how long they will go before breaking down.

the only oil I'm aware of that has an extended change interval AND diesel rated, is Mobil 1 Extended Performance, however Mobil 1's website reports that it is to be discontinued May 1.

so my advice, as your friendly neighborhood ******** Auto Service Center representiative is, use synthetic oil to protect your engine at extreme heat loads (towing, turbo & supercharging) and forget these "extended" oil chage intervals. Change your oil when it starts to look like yesterday's coffee, and don't be afraid to pop the jingle on a top-shelf oil filter to keep the oil-borne cooties to a minimum.

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif

I have to disagree with your two points wrt the 6.0. The cleanliness of the oil is critical to proper operation of the injectors. Synthetic or not, a longer OCI will result in dirtier oil, unless a bypass filtration system is used. I use amsoil plus the bypass system, but I wouldn't even consider extending the OCI unless the bypass system was installed. Synthetic alone benefits the engine with better cold start and hot temp operations, less wear, etc, but it will load up with contaminants like dino - then you get injector issues.

Jetpilot I will do some research and get back to you on this. I disagree with a few points in your post but before I open my mouth and give bad info to the readers I will confirm with some sources and repost when I get that info. ;tu

here's my :2c (I use and sell the stuff both)

synthetic oils actually start out as mineral oils, which are then chemically altered so every molecule has the same size at both ranges of temperature.

the only thing that's going to differ to give you a longer oil change interval is the filtration and additive package.

since additive package information is proprietary and trademarked, oil companies are not going to tell you much about how long they will go before breaking down.

the only oil I'm aware of that has an extended change interval AND diesel rated, is Mobil 1 Extended Performance, however Mobil 1's website reports that it is to be discontinued May 1.

so my advice, as your friendly neighborhood ******** Auto Service Center representiative is, use synthetic oil to protect your engine at extreme heat loads (towing, turbo & supercharging) and forget these "extended" oil chage intervals. Change your oil when it starts to look like yesterday's coffee, and don't be afraid to pop the jingle on a top-shelf oil filter to keep the oil-borne cooties to a minimum.

All of Amsoils oils have extended oil change intervals that carry a warranty for the extended OCI. To not have to change the filter at OEM recemmended OCI's you can use an Amsoil EAO full synthetic filter and its guaranteed for 25k miles. If you don't want to go 12k, 15k or more you don't have to but they carry the extended drain interval warranty from Amsoil.



Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fort McMurray/Alberta
MJ synthetics

Here is a quote from Accurate diesel;

"Besides design issues, the #1 cause of 6.0L injector failure is poor maintenance! Because engine oil at very high pressure is used to operate the injectors, keeping the oil clean is absolutely essential to maximum injector life. Extended oil change intervals are deadly to 6.0L fuel injectors - unless you are running a good bypass filtration system. "

You can get this info from any reputable injector shop, and it is one of the main reasons the 6.0 got such a bad rep, but it's not the engine's fault, it is a precision piece of equipment that requires clean oil.

I like the amsoil product, but you'll hit a brick wall if you go to them with bad injectors and try to claim any amsoil warranty - if you think they'll pony up a new set of injectors you're kidding yourself.

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
Thats very good information Jet thank you for posting that. I learned something today. I guess all you 6.0L people better start pricing bypass systems! :D My cost is your cost on the bypass units.

So what do they recommend for OCI on the 6.0L?

Can one change the filter more often to keep the oil cleaner to run say 10k?

Or is it either say 5k and change or a bypass unit.

In this case like JL said above synthetics suspend the dirt & soot better than conventional oils so I guess it a good recommendation to run syn and still chaneg at OEM recommended intervals.

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MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
I want to add one thing to this conversation and that is the new CJ-4 rated Oils from Amsoil went through a 90 pass test under pressure and then were shear tested. They were tested with Valvoline Blue, Shell Rotella, Dello, and another brand I can't remember and the formula after 90 passes sheared less than all the other brands it was tested with FWIW.


Diesel Power Junkie
Jul 25, 2008
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So what do they recommend for OCI on the 6.0L? MJ

The 6.0L owner's manual says OCI's of 7,500 miles for normal use and 5,000 for severe duty, but that is way too long for these engines.

After much contemplation, I think I am going to stick with the Motorcraft 15W-40 conventional oil for the time being. I will watch the availability of the Motorcraft synthetic but for now I don't think I'm going to make the leap.

The posts on this thread were the type I was hoping to recieve in regards to the OCI's with synthetic oil and the performance differences between 15W-40 and 5W-40, so thanks to all who posted.

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