Not to High-Jack but there may be a misunderstanding between the two components ?
Block Heater:
The Block Heater is a 120 volt, A/C (House Current), heating system that is completely independent of all other systems on our trucks.
When & If, we plug it in to "House Current", It can be used to provide [a little] heat to the block by powering up a Heating Element in the coolant jacket, and warms the Coolant (through convection).... at temps of say... 40*, or colder, to a temp that is warm-ER than outside temps. It Does Not.. heat the block to operating temperature. It's simply an "Owner Controlled" AID.. for cold weather starts. If it's not plugged in (?) it doesn't work. The longer it's plugged in (depending on how cold it is), the more Time/EFFECT it will have to warm More of the block (Iron), more evenly.
Example of effect: On a 7.3 the heating element is on the D-side of the block. It's 20* out. If it were plugged in for say, 2 hours, the D-side bank may be Warm-ER than the P-side bank. Fire it up ? It may shudder'n shake.. blow some smoke.. Because the P-side cylinders only got preheated by the Glow plugs.... which may not.. have been enough HEAT to >achieve< good >detonation< in a couple of the P-side cylinders.
Make any sence ?
Glow Plugs*:
They, on the other hand, when the key is turned on, are controlled the 12 volt D/C, powered, PCM. From in-puts from sensors like.. Air, Oil and Coolant Temperatures, (to mention just a few).... that tell the PCM wether or not, systems are Not at, Near, or Are At.. operating temps. Cold start ? The Gp's heat the cylinder air.. PCM controlled.
(*They operate Just like the Glow Plugs on RC Airplanes & Cars. They "Glow" dang near red hot to provide the Heated Air needed.. to provied the >Initial< detonation (flash point) temprature, of Diesel fuel. The only dif is.. They are controlled by a timed (WTS light).. Glow Plug Relay.. so we don't have to jerk the wire(s) off the cylinder heads, with our fingers

Combine the two ? They compliment each other, in creating Warm-ER Temps, for cold weather start-ups.
Again.. "DUH" to some.. But maybe.. enlighteng to others ??