Question Losing coolant, white smoke.... Head gaskets? EGR? HELP!!!


SDD Junior Member
Jul 4, 2011
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Cherry Hill,NJ
Ok, So i bought this 2004 6.0 CC short bed about 2 months ago, and all was great, I love the truck... About 1 month ago to date, I took a drive to the jersey shore( about 150m round trip) and all was good until the ride home, i noticed it running hotter than usual, so i tried to make it as far as i could until it pinned out overheating and i turned it off. The emergency service crew came by and gave me some water( the degas bottle was bone dry), it ended up taking 2 gallons and ran fine since... For the past month i have been keeping a close eye for leaks and have none. Truck runs excellent. About a week ago i noticed that when i started it cold I had white smoke pour out of the exhaust pipe until it warmed up, then it went away, now it happens everynow and then. Today i decided to check the degas bottle level again and it was dry again, this time it took 1 gallon. This is blowing my mind, I am new to the whole diesel side of this world and am learning still, any help would be hugely appreciated!!!


Full Access Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Could be a few things. EGR cooler, crack in the degas bottle, cracked head, blown head gasket or in my case a crack in number 8 cyl,

2 Stroker

Full Access Member
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
You need gauges, they are a must on a 6.0
The 6.0 is known to blow head gaskets. This is why it happens. The Ford Gold coolant contains silicates. The silicates are not able to handle high EGT's generated by a good load or relatively high boost when run through the EGR cooler. They break down into a jell like sludge and fall out of suspension. This crud gets caught up in the tiny coolant passageways of the oil cooler. As the cooler clogs up it restricts coolant flow to the egr cooler. Now the egr cooler doesn't have enough coolant to carry off the heat generated by high EGT's. The limited amount of coolant in the egr cooler flash boils causing high pressure in the cooling system and the truck pukes coolant from the degas bottle due to the pressure. (it has to go somewhere)
Your uninformed Powerstroke owner is not monitoring his coolant temps and oil temps so he doesn't know whats going on and he keeps driving it this way. The problem get worse, the pressure causes the egr cooler to rupture. Now the egr cooler is leaking coolant into the intake manifold which then runs into the cylinders. Again the high combustion temps cause the coolant to vaporize. This causes unacceptably high cylinder pressure, the TTY head bolts stretch due to the additional pressure and there go your head gaskets.

Ok now you know the problem. Here's the cure. Get a good engine monitoring solution like the Edge Insight so that you can monitor your ECT and EOT. If those temps get more than 15* apart at normal cruising when at normal operating temperature your oil cooler is clogging up. Rebuild it now to prevent all that down stream damage from occurring. Flush that Ford Gold coolant cxxp out of your engine with a couple bottles of Restore. This is made specifically to clean out that silicate residue. Now refill it with a silicate free Cat EC-1 rated ELC coolant. This removes the silicates that clog the oil cooler from the equation. If you live in an area where you don't have smog inspections delete the egr system. If you can't delete it replace the egr cooler with the cooler manufactured by Bulletproof Diesel. This is vastly superior to the Ford oem egr cooler and it will not fail on you. If you find that you need to replace head gaskets replace the TTY head bolts with ARP studs and use black onyx (Victor Reinz) head gaskets. If you have to replace the egr cooler always replace the oil cooler. That is the source of the problem. Look here
Replaced oil cooler still difference in temps - Page 21 - Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
You need to pull the egr valve truck pointed nose down when it is cold and if it is wet, damp, or like a goo your egr cooler is shot you must change the oil cooler also but do the flush first then repairs
DTS Articles - 6.0L EGR Valve Cleaning
DTS Articles - EGR Servicing
Flushing and cleaning the 6.0

Restore is for cleaning out any silicate goo. VC-9 is for cleaning out iron and scale. Restore Plus is the same as VC-9 and cheaper.

To flush drain the coolant by removing the lower radiator hose from the radiator, and removing the drain plug from the driver side of the block. There is a drain plug on the passenger side also but you have to remove the starter to get to it. I don't bother with that one.
I also highly recommend you pull the thermostat out on your first drain and put the housing back without the thermostat. It only takes about 10 minutes and will save you 2.5 hrs or so in doing this whole procedure.

Ok now put the lower hose back on and the drain plug back in the block if you removed it. This is the procedure you will use each time to drain the system, except you will not touch the thermostat again until you're finished the whole procedure. Make sure that you set your heater to high while doing this to flush out the heater core as well.

Fill the cooling system with distilled water, start the truck and let the water circulate for 5 minutes. (if you did not remove the thermostat you must run the truck until the thermostat opens + 5 minutes to circulate. This takes 15 to 20 minutes each cycle and is why you should just remove the thermostat) Stop the engine. Drain the system and repeat the flush.

Now add at least 1/2 gallon of Restore and fill with distilled water. I used cardboard in front of the radiator because you have to get to 185* 190* for these products to work. Drive truck or run on high idle for 60-90 minutes just before you get back from your drive remove the cardboard this will help in the cool down same on the Restore+ flush. Drain and flush 3 or 4 times. or tell clean

Add 2qts VC-9 or 1/2gal of Restore Plus, top with distilled water, and drive the truck or run on high idle for 60-90 minutes. Now drain and flush until flush water comes out clear and clean. When you get clean flush water, flush 3 more times using distilled water while draining the block.

After your final distilled water drain it is time to put the thermostat back in. I recommend you install a new thermostat at this point. They are only $20 or so and it is good maintenance procedure to do so. Fill with 3.5 or 4 gals of ELC concentrated coolant and top off with distilled water. Drive the truck or let run for a while topping off with distilled water. Check the truck over the next few days and top up as required while any air left in the system works its way out.

Keep some 50/50 ELC on hand to use to top off the cooling system from here out and you are good to go.

new t/stat from Ford it should all come together (housing-t/stat-o-ring) in a box. The part number is RT-1169

Here is the Restore Product from Cummins dealer
Hope this helps
2 stroker


Nascar Fan #88
Jun 1, 2009
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Okay, the same thing happened to my truck. One of the ways to help tell where the leak is from is when you fill the degas bottle does the coolant blow out the degas due to over temp and and pressure it,is most likely a bad head gasket, if you smoke white and no pressure blow in the degas it is most likely the EGR cooler. I had my EGR and Oil cooler replaced like about a year and a half ago and blew the EGR cooler again. I am repairing the truck myself (well with help from my friends) and am learning a lot. I am also installing the EGR cooler delete. I am also replacing the oil cooler again and will be installing a cooler filter for added protection.

I am doing this one myself to save the $1000.00+ repair bill like I paid the last time (of course the warranty has expired on the last repairs)

Anyways I hope that this gives you an idea of the location of the leak (white smoke).

If you install the EGR delete it WILL delete the cooler completely. I shopped around on Ebay for mine.
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SDD Junior Member
Jul 4, 2011
Reaction score
Cherry Hill,NJ
I just ordered the EGR delete yesterday, when i get it I will install it probably same or next day, we will see how it goes from there. I am also going to flush out this ****ty ford coolant and run straight water until fall and then replace it with coolant


Nascar Fan #88
Jun 1, 2009
Reaction score
I just ordered the EGR delete yesterday, when i get it I will install it probably same or next day, we will see how it goes from there. I am also going to flush out this ****ty ford coolant and run straight water until fall and then replace it with coolant

I would also replace the oil cooler while you are there. If the egr cooler gets coolant after the oil cooler, and normally is the reason for the egr cooler to break.
I just replaced mine (myself) and it was a chore but well worth it. After completing the repairs I had to remove injectors 5 and 7 to blow the coolant out from hydro lock, then put it back together. I then hook the water hose to the coolant system to clean out any of the old silicant from the old coolant, back flushed the heater core; the drained it out and flushed it out with distilled water numberous times before adding ELC coolant.

When I get it started it from about a day because of the coolant left in the exhaust system but cleared up. The cat and muffler have to dry out.
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