SDD Junior Member
I'm looking for a consensus on what chip most of you are using. I have '06 6.0 350dwdcc loaded with around 2k+ of welding equip. and pull a 13k Travel trailer. Only mods are 4" turbo back sys and AFE intake, it does good for the most part but bogs down on the hills quite abit. Don't know if I should do something or just leave alone. Also have seen talk about the air filter sys and was thinking it might be best to stay stock for protecting the turbo, i'm in the dust alot on the pipeline right-of-way. I really have not seen any increase in fuel milage with mods, I get maybe 9 if i'm lucky with trailer but I don't worry about that. I have seen and heard talk about guys geeting 15 mpg and even more on the highway but I find that hard to believe, empty I hardly get 12.
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