Awesome looking truck! Has she let you test drive it yet?
On edit: if you don't mind me asking, how much did the whole thing cost, suspension and tires/rims?
I was allowed to drive it once I changed out of my work clothes.
The rims an tires were $1421
Lift was $661 after all said and done. for a total of $2081.
The lift was orginally $349. But rough country screwed me and only sent one rear shock and couldn't get me one until next Monday so I called a local 4x4 shop and ordered Skyjackers for all corners since the RC shocks were cheapo hydraulics and I only had (3) of them anyway. I also didn't used the RC blocks because I didin't want to stack the factory block on top of it.So I called I got the stock SD blocks and U-bolts from Ford for $122
The skyjackers were $190 for (4) so the lift total was $661.
I am going to use the RC shocks on my F250, and the RC Ubolts and blocks will go under the 4inch leafs in my Bronco when I install the 10.25 rear and D60 front, because once I do that I am going to probaly upgrade to 42's.