Question about your amp steps. Im about to order mine and not sure if I need the extension or not...the wife is 5'1". When yours are down, how far is the step from the pinch seam? Thanks!
I'll have to measure them for you (I think about 12 inches) I do have the extensions too. When their folded up with the extensions, the edge of them is about an inch and a half below the pinch weld seam, you won't even notice them. Without the extension they tuck up and behind the seams and are not visible at all. I would recommend to get the extensions, My wife is 5'6" and they make it alot easier for her, than just the steps alone. I would also recommend the LED lights that AMP offers for them too, they light up the boards really well at night, making it a little harder to miss them and kiss your shins (that can hurt)