SDD Senior Member
Looks like we finally have someone who KNOWS electronics and electrical. Thanks DieselDo.

Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in about the confusion on lower amp draw vs. higher wattage. Its true that led's draw less amperage at the same voltage. The higher wattage they seem to be refering to is in watts of light emmitted equivelent. For example new led based home light bulbs might draw 18 actual watts but they give the same output of light as a 60 watt incandescent.
As a side note, the voltage spike issue you mentioned was brought up in a recent radio club meeting, one of our engineers suggest its not the led itself causeing them, but could possibly be lack if filtering in the switching power supplies of high power leds.
Looks like we finally have someone who KNOWS electronics and electrical. Thanks DieselDo.
It's almost to the point you need a degree in electronics to put fuel in the tank.