powerboatr said:well you know the greenhouse gas is responsible for the E.coli outbreak in spinach, ask cindy she will tell you.
dont you guys know anything........![]()
wheres al gore when i need him
hug a tree, adopt an owl, pick up a mouse, save a cricket
ban SUV's excpet for the Rich,
make everyone in CA walk, no electrics, battery acid is a bad thing,
will it ever end ????
can we colonize pluto now that is not a planet-popcorn -popcorn
oh this just in
Man in North Bama files suit against Ford for costing him 60-80 buckaroos per week to fil lup his truck
the cause was cited as he is addicted to driving it, they made to much fun to drive, and he is neglecting his work and family
powerboatr said:make everyone in CA walk
bama-six-gun said:i say we find the biggest sawzall we can and cut california off of the continental US and let 'em all float down the river of destruction.
Scarlet_Nape said:Why don't they just sue themselves?!!!....just some odd folks runnin' it)...
I swear, our society will not take ANY individual reponsibility. It's always someone else's fault! And, we wonder why kids are growing up the way they are.![]()
Sorry for the short rant....just irritated, I guess.![]()
hheynow said:Robert, Now you've crossed the line ...![]()
powerboatr said:sounded good, then you can let us have a bargain on your PSD that you cant drive anymore:boohoo
join PETA (people that eat tasty animals )