Ok,,, here is the story from someone (Me)who has had three bouts with stones..
First off, it is more painful than child birth per the medical journals.
Take massive amounts of water. One gallon per day. If the stone does not pass, there is a procedure called lithotripsy (using sound waves to crush the stones). I had to have it done once, and is not fun. The hospital normally gives you Morphine to keep pain down while you try to pass the stone. The best example I can give you is when you are trying to pass the stone, it is like someone is hitting you in the kidney with a sledge hammer continuously, while putting your testicle in a vice and smashing it. The devil had to have made the kidney stone, because nothing is close to the pain it causes. The first time, I thought I was dieing, and was amazed that all this pain could come from something so small.
The last stone, I just took heavy pain pills, drank lots of water and walked back and forth in the house until the stone passed. Walking helps pass the stone.
I would not wish kidney stones on my worst enemy.
Good luck...
P.S. to keep from getting them in the future, drink more water.
Avoid chocolate, peanuts, coke...
Of course all the things I like.