So far all is good with the truck. A few results of the delete are as follows...
-the main gain in fuel mileage was from regen
not kicking in... This allows you to get double digit fuel mileage in traffic lol.
-There was not as large of a gain in fuel mileage with the programmer paired with the fact that the truck was breathing better.
-The supplied delete pipe was, try to picture this, basically a plate that bolted to the back of the cat with a three inch hole cut out of it... A cone, or possibly a pipe that deleted the cat as well.
I'm currently getting 7.5-9 mpg out of my F450 any little gain sounds good. I personally find it beneficial if the truck wont then regen... Supposedly more kits are coming keep your eyes posted.
As for me, at this point I would purchase the tuner with the delete program in it from KEM (or see what comes out), and my plan is to delete the cat and filter... Possibly ending somewhere above the bed- right behind the cab