Reading this Post/Thread, I got to thinking: I've never had a Flat Tire..One go down on account of a puncture that is. They've all been, Tire Failure. Tread Separation. The reason I guess, why I'm so Anal about Tire Pressure checks. (wife sez)
With the exception of a Cooper that came un-done (at 0 early thirty, in a Driving Rain Storm, Outside Williams Arizona, with a 10K Lance camper on board and a car in tow @ 65, with the wife asleep, on the first day of a Vacation
)on the outside left rear of my 91 DRW.. The others have all been, IMO: Not Enough Tire on To Much Trailer, from the Manufacturer.
Ever Since I went threw the Goodyear Marathon Trailer Tire Flail-Ex, My Standing Rule now is.. Anything I buy to Drive or Tow, that weighs over 6K, loaded or unloaded, WILL have 16" wheels and at least "E" rated Steel belted tires on it.