Max, be safe when washing your truck. You don't want to break any bones out there, especially with what you've been through. Might be easier to spend a few bucks and let the local car wash take care of it.
Our local car wash uses very hard water, and I had a heck of a time getting the water spots off my wife's car. In our area, you can not find anyone who wants to work. When I bought my wife's car, I talked to three guys who wash the new cars at the car lot, and gave them my phone number and told them that I would pay them more than what the car lot would pay, and I never received a call. All the kids that grew up around our house are now in their 40's and have full time jobs. Their kids do not want to work. They get everything they need from their parents. Where are all those illegal immigrants that want to work?
I hear you about being careful. As we get older, our balance is not what it used to be.