Legal Status in California [back to top]
The first time you purchase fuel from us you'll be asked to sign a service agreement and provide information on the make and model of your car. We'll also request your contact information and that you inform us if you suspect a mechanical problem caused by biodiesel. Here's why:
On August 19, 2004, the CA Division of Measurement Standards bowed to the pressure from the petroleum industry and prohibited the sale of fuel containing more than 20% biodiesel to the public. The ASTM standard for biodiesel is titled "ASTM D6751 - Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock," meaning that it is to be used in some blend with diesel #2. The "blend" language in the standard forces DMS was to regulate the sale of B100 and high percentage blends as non-standardized fuel.
Yokayo Biofuels, Biofuel Station, and BioFuel Oasis have been granted a waiver by DMS that allows us to sell B100 as a fuel on the condition that we file quarterly reports on the vehicle types, amount of fuel used, and any fuel-related problems. We assign each customer a number for use in reports to the state. No personal information is included. You will receive a card with your number that will need to be shown in order to purchase fuel.