Its wednesday WHOSE working

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
s d mills said:
Surely someone else is feeling the same on them to quit and you can heap the crap on them instead.
That is absolutely the LAST thing I want to do in this situation. Additionally, there is no one else. The buck stops with the guy that got us there, and he is rolling the turd downhill to the next in command, namely, me. I could feasibly roll the turd down onto someone below me, but they all did their jobs well, and to do so would just be sleazy and self-serving. I refuse to scapegoat someone that is not responsible, even if it means that I am unjustly scapegoated, myself. I could not live with myself.
Best solution is hang in there and make it obvious you're bustin' balls to rectify the current problems
That is what I do, day and and day out.
while the bosses focus elsewhere on finding a more proper scapegoat.
as stated previously, I don't know where he would find one...
This crap comes with the turf in a fluid organization and is usually an opportunity if you handle it the right way.

Good luck.
Yes, it could easily become an opportunity, as long as I find a way to pull us up out of the situation. However, I am only two years out of college, doing work that i am only marginally qualified to do at my experience level (and doing it well, I might add) and i just don't know how to unsink this ship. I have gotten precisely zero input from the guy that ran us aground, as he has very conveniently been out of the office for the last two days. The sum of the advice that I have gotten from my other boss is to just keep moving, maintain status quo, basically, don't stop now!

I am at a loss as to what to do. My original reaction was to just "pull the plug" and stop the bleeding now. The problem is, we are out the money we've already spent, and we lose a client with potential to keep us in work for the foreseeable future. So that was a bad idea, and it was backed up by my other bosses advice.

I wish I was bird hunting right now...


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
s d mills said:
An employee's paycheck reflects 100% fulfillment of a job description and is solely meant to pay the bills. Loyalty doesn't play a role just as neither does a job well done obligate an employer to give someone a pat on the back, some other kind of attaboy, or elicit any additional reward including job satisfaction or self-worth....all of that is included in the check.

When you leave a place, do it on your terms leaving behind a positive personnel record.
Stay clean, amigo....and may outrageous good fortune always dog your footsteps.

yes sir agree on 95.8%
very well said.

A company that is privately owned
touts itself as a "family" :rant knowling promotes its employees to new management positions very high up in the food chain, three below the owners and the VP. 2 months before a public release of its getting bought out. of which the buy out was cleverly being negotiated five months before a certain gov. contract was awarded. and uses words like "transparent" , "benefits will stay the same", "no impact on current employees" at each venue to take questions about the merger. then the very day the merger is legal, pinkslips are handed out, folks are laid off, benefits take a sharp dive to the south, and the best answer is..... sit down...... "you were looking for a job when you found this one"-popcorn

that statement has cut our entire production to the minimums. come in do your research and go home.
i will admit i have slowed down, but i am still ahead for the quarter.
wow i feel so much better :thumbs
breaks over.... back on my head:D

s d mills

Full Access Member
Jan 5, 2006
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Close to the real OC 47462
Hey, guys....I sympathize 'cause I've been there and done that numerous occasions over the past 40 years. Now I'm the guy in middle management and though I don't like and even disagree with a lot of what I've written, the writing's on the wall for me. When warranted, I stick my neck out for an employee, but I operate under oversight staff and by established protocols when the axe has to be wielded. When those situations occur I manipulate the circumstances where it causes the least collateral damage to the employees involved as well as to myself and my bosses.

"Family" (benevolent - Ruse #1) work atmosphere or otherwise, crunch time comes and the big picture metamorphoses into something entirely different. At the Christmas parties, picnics, and other employer-sponsored social functions, I'm the biggest back-slapper and stroker at the event; and, when I loop an arm over someone's shoulders, grin and dole out praise it's all sincere. Back at my desk and on the clock, it's the bottom line and my tail's hanging over the edge as far or farther than anyone else's.

As far as living with myself after a questionable action or decision, my job is compartmentalized and has no bearing on my sense of self and self-esteem. I do what it takes to keep the paychecks coming and my private life is isolated. If someone's taking the job home with them, it's time to give serious consideration to finding alternate employment or home. If I can't continue to tolerate the things I do at work, then I'll seek a different source for a paycheck.

In any eventuality, I do wish you the best, whatever you may pursue.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
i see a book in the future.....
a moment of sanity

what you just said about mid management. you hit the nail on the head from my militarydays glad to know it just wasnt us.
Now being a retired mil , and just working is such a relief, no more set the world on fire, just come in say hi and do my petty little task (being broken does have a small advantage) and go home and love my family.

I sure do like this place, this free thinking and having conversations about stuff that matters is GREAT

and hoss,
my positive thoughts are at you man.


Full Access Member
Feb 11, 2006
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seems like a lot of us are having work issues, my boss just basically acused me of creating problems to work so that I could get overtime. I may have my f**k off time, but talk like that almost got his teeth knocked out. good thing he is 3 hours driving away. even though I left early on a friday so I wouldn't have overtime but got paged with another trouble and had to go. Anyway, my thoughts are with all having issues with the grind stone.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
s d mills said:
As far as living with myself after a questionable action or decision, my job is compartmentalized and has no bearing on my sense of self and self-esteem. I do what it takes to keep the paychecks coming and my private life is isolated. If someone's taking the job home with them, it's time to give serious consideration to finding alternate employment or home. If I can't continue to tolerate the things I do at work, then I'll seek a different source for a paycheck.

In any eventuality, I do wish you the best, whatever you may pursue.
You're a rare and honest man. While I disagree with your "end justifies the means" approach in your office life, I still commend you for your honest, and frank look at the way you deal at work, and your advice that you've given me.

However, there is no compartmentalization for me. God does not see grey, he sees someone that screwed someone else over and justified it by saying it was at work and had nothing to do with private life. I am the same way, I don't see grey. My actions reflect on who I am as a person no matter whether i am on the clock or at home. While it may not put food on the table, and it may very well have a negative effect on my corporate opportunity, i refuse to sell out who i am to the needs of a corporation. Maybe it is silly, maybe it is because I am only 26, naiive as only a 26 year old can be, and i still see nobility and chivalry in proper action. Maybe after another ten years, my definition of proper action will be "whateer keeps me in a paycheck" but it is not right now.

That said, my boss finally showed up to work today, and the first thing I did was go to his office, and figured if he is going to screw me over, at least he is going to look me in the eye while he does it.

He didn't. We had a frank discussion on where we were at, and he kept saying how WE were in a hole and that WE had to dig ourselves out, and also, that he has some ideas on how to do it. He presented the ideas, and by God, if they may not work (or at least show due dilligence enough that no one can blame anyone for the state of affairs.) Also, the other boss, the one with the advice, told me that I needn't worry, I guess he and the first guy had a talk this morning, and they got one thing very straight. The one thing was that NO ONE was getting fired over this deal, because it going south was not the fault of anybody, just of circumstance.

I am still nervous as hell,, and I have a long road ahead of me to recovery, but I'll be durned if it don't look like things is looking up.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
you know we left out the most important thing..................
inteligent conversation and frank discussions with the boss. usually when things are aired along with solutions everyone feels better, or at least tries
hope it is a much better day than yesterday.....
mine is . i am done for the week.
waiting for QA... :D

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