One time I was driving from Orlando with my mom, it's about 12 a.m.
He's in some beater Chevy Corsica, and I'm driving and all of a sudden I look in my rear-view and he's coming up at around 100 and I'm going 70-ish. I'm scared s**tless at this point, he flies by me just barely missing my bumper, about 5 minutes later still drying up the piss from my seat

roflmao) I see him brake on the shoulder hitting cones I have to dodge the flying cones cause I can't afford to fix any damage, next thing I know I'm driving like Bo Duke trying to get away from this guy, I shove the truck up to 120 (which it got up to beautifully, took a little bit, but got there no problem) and I slow down after a couple minutes of that. 10 minutes later here comes the jackass, the same routine, i pull over to the shoulder and he just flies by me. I sped up to catch him and dialed 911, told them I was following a suspected drunk driver at around 90 mph and I gave them the license number and the car description and all. 2 minutes later, this Camaro po-leece car flies by me. I was relieved, can't tell you what happened later cause I never saw anything, but my bet is is that he tried to escape

That was my biggest scare ever, and I'm done "Hoss" posting
18 years-old and I got better ones than you old-timers