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Gray hair??? What hair?
!!!!...then you have the wrong avatar
Gray hair??? What hair?
Thats why I ask...the people with gray hair.
I'm getting a good voltage reading from the outside of the battery connections. It even shows up on my radar display. On my high idel it read 14v. Then after I turn it off the voltage dropped to about 12.5 and hovered. So if I'm getting the voltage at the power point, then I should have good connections..right?
** Not necessarily. 12.? volts.. even from 2 worn batteries can be detected.. just about anywhere. When you put an AMP demand (load) on the system... is where the connectivity (big word) comes in to play.
Batt connections can Look Good.. but there's a chemical reaction called : Calcification (nuther BW).. that happens from the sulfuric acid fumes coming in contact with dis-similar metals, in, around and on the battery areas.. and the heat created, from amp load during the starting cycle (things we don't see). Mainly the battery cable Clamps... take the Hits. The white/grey crap you see. But.. sometimes you can't see it.. builds up between the posts and the inside of the clamps (especially if they're loose) and, in time.. Inside the cable covering. Simply put: they can become a resistor.
Then..when you turn the key.. the 12.? or 14.? drops.. and so does the amps needed. The starter turns.. but the PCM doesn't receive the proper volt/amp signals... all kinds of... slow to start, Whizo, electronic gremlins pop up.
It's All about the Batteries, Cables & Clamps FIRST. Rarely the Starter.
Just checked it with the radar detector and it says 12.4v..truck has been setting for about 2hrs. I'm going to have to take the starter off to check the connections. So think I'll get the batteries checked out first (after I check the solenoid) and if they check out then I'll take that starter off. That seems easier....unless ya'll still think otherwise about my battery terminals.
I'll de-fuse the wires coming off the terminals so that wont b e a factor in the morning and evening.
Thanks for the hard earned knowledge
Gray hair??? What hair?
Gray hair??? What hair?
All The Above is: very simply put.. did'nt get into the Science of it.. but I Hope It helps in some way ?
Minez been turn'n grey since I waz 22.. or so
Dang near White... theze dayz tho.
THANK YOU for not getting into the science of it...that hurt my head with that bit of info alone. So I've done cleaned the terminals and clamps with the can sprayer and terminal wire brush...so the only thing I could do is re-set the wires in the clamps???....maybe use a wire brush on the wire as well.
Hey rammer
If you havent already, disconnect the batts, then run a set of jumper cables from the batts to the starter and to ground. That will eliminate the terminals/cables from the equation....
Good luck, I hate electrical issues. Freakin electrons never go where they're supposed to!!
Why does that sound familiar......LOL