The torque convertor is the weak link in the E4OD, after that the sloppy shifts come in second as the next weakest link. To beef it up I recommend a decent aftermarket TC and a shift kit like the Sonnax or FTVB or Transgo kit. Decent TC's can be had for anywhere from 500 on up to 1500 clams, the shift kit will run you somewhere under a hundred.
Get a guage on the tranny to monitor temps and put a good tranny cooler on it.
I thought bout just throwin a TC in there to last me for a while, but its gunna runn me about 600 + the price of the TC to get it installed..... so I might as well just take it REAL easy and save up for the real deal rebuild. To accomplish this, last week I took out my chip, wrapped it in bubble wrap, and stowed it behind the e-brake, till i git my tranny redone this summer (hopefully)
hmm i can handle getting a shift kit soon but the TC is going to have to wait a while haha where can i get a shift kit from and what is involved in installing one
Depends on what kit you get, the sonnax is easier to install than the Transgo. I went with the Transgo tugger HD II kit since I was putting in the TC anyway. The transgo kit also has you change a few of the check balls (remove some) and drill a hole in the VB as well to allow fluid to return. Also drill a hole in the calibration plate, this determines how hard she bangs on shifts. Main thing is to PAY ATTENTION to the directions.