Is it me...or


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Raz I sometimes say the same thing to myself "what the heck is going on?" :dunno
Keeping your son close by and tabs on his safety is the same thing I do with my two sons which we can never do enough to protect them while raising them in the proper ways as they grow up.
Yes current society is abit crazy worldwide as we see it through our adult eyes but I'm sorta glad all these events don't happen in the same town we reside in.



Mad Scientist
Apr 28, 2005
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Seattle, WA
CHPMustang said:
...but I'm sorta glad all these events don't happen in the same town we reside in.
wish I could say the same thing :eek: -mad

It's certainly interesting how this has turned into a two-pronged discussion:

  • those who blame the media and/or make "head-in-the sand"-type suggestions
  • those who actually see what I was referring to in my original question
It would be interesting to see which group's members have children of their own, and which do not :dunno

In all truth, I was just having a sh*tty day yesterday and when I heard my coworkers talking about the Illinois murders, it tipped me over :oops:

Sometimes you just want someone to commiserate/b*tch with, and not to have all your problems diagnosed or solved over the internet...

Thanks everyone for the interesting breakout and discussion.


Who's your Bigdaddy?
May 4, 2005
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Shawnee, Ks
I do not have kids, I have a very good friend who has two girl's 12 and 15 that are like little sisters and most times even kids to me. Their mother has never had any worries with them going places with me because she has seen me when we do go out to the mall or movies or any place. My head is constantly moving, I watch everyone and anyone looking for a threat, why? Because I do watch the news and while I believe that most of society is good, I know that there are those who are not good. The only way to tell is to watch everyone. Yes it sucks that kids have to learn about these things earlier in life now, and the worry and watching takes away from enjoying time with them, but if they know whats out there it can make them more aware and more careful. It may take away some of there childhood but at least they will get to grow out of childhood.
Although I do find some enjoyment in scaring the pee out of the teenage boy's I catch looking at the 15year old, if I catch them staring I give them the "I'm gona hurt you" glare because I know what is running through those one track teenage boy brains.-mad