You want the long version or the short version?
Short version looks like this............
Long version......will follow with pics, trials and tribulations. Bottom line, Beans injectors are effen saaaweeetttt
Took me about 6 or 7 hours with a good hour wasted on the right valve cover rear bolt.....that sumabich
took me to school............ -mad But thats ok,,stuborness prevailed and I got the bolt out
. Everything else was pretty straight forward.... I took lotza pics in progress...so when I get a little more time I'll process the pics and put them in a reasonable order. All I know is that I HAVE to do my tranny now, Ive got enough fuel to do some long term damage ifI dont get that TC outta there. This is just with the SCMT........when I get the chip(counting on ya "B"
)....Katy bar the door
Short version looks like this............

Long version......will follow with pics, trials and tribulations. Bottom line, Beans injectors are effen saaaweeetttt