I'm Gonna Be a Dad!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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Cranberry Twp,PA
Just found out last week, my wife is pregnant! This will be our first. I can't wait to have a little helper around the garage!


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Da U.P.

You will likely find the pregnancy to be the adventure of a lifetime, seeing the ultrasound pictures, watching your lady's tummy get bigger and feeling your baby kicking you in the kidneys when the two of you are trying to sleep in bed.

For about the last half of the pregnancy, read it a story or just talk to your baby. I know this sounds rather wacked, but believe me as a father of 3 and a grandpa of 1, it'll pay amazing results later.

I talked to our youngest before she was born. I would read to her or just tell her how silly she was for tricking us with all the false labors. When she was born, there is a point in the delivery room where you'll think "ok, do I stay with momma, or go see the baby? Momma or baby? Eventually, momma will say ok go see the baby and you can go over to where the doctor & nurse is examining your child to ensure he/she has 10 fingers & toes and 3 eyes. :lmao

When I went over to see my newborn baby daughter she was demonstarting her "lung capacity" to one and all. I couldn't quite get a good view, but I asked aloud "What are you making so much noise for honey?" At that moment she quit crying and started looking for me. The OB nurse was dumbfounded. She had been delivering babies for almost 20 years and not once seen a baby that recognized daddy's voice in the delivery room.

When we brought her home, it was a hot Texas day. I cranked the house's AC while momma gave her a 1st bath and I took a shower. Afterwards, momma gave her to me and I put her on my chest and covered the two of us with a blanket. She immediately latched on to my chest hair and couldn't be pried loose until it was dinner time. For quite some time, until she outgrew snuggling with daddy, that was her favorite spot.

Enjoy every minute of it. In the blink of an eye, they're grown up, graduated from college and gone.