yep, i dont mess around.
we started loading the truck around 9:30 monday morning, which only took about 1.5 hours. then we ate lunch before leaving.
i stopped by the house on the way thru and checked my 9yo son out to take him with us (he had a blast)
with all the fuel up stops and bathroom breaks, we made it to valdosta, ga around 10:00 CST and got a room.
we woke up around 6:00 EST, ate the continental breakfast at the hmapton inn, and rolled into jacksonville around 9:30 am EST.
only took about 1.5 hours to unload the truck (we just got everything into the house and my BIL is gonna sort it out this week) then we turned the U-haul truck and trailer in, ate some lunch, left BIL's house at 1:04 CST and drove 505 miles, arrived home at 10:04 CST.
drove around 1050 miles round trip, and i actually feel wide awake right now.
its hard to shut down after driving for so long.
we had a good quick trip.