CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Last August I replaced my fuel injectors with some Dynomite Diesel single shot stage 1's via Bean's. I got a new PCM flashed with a tune that was supposed to get the engine to run right with the single shot injectors. But after 8 months and many attempts with several different PCM's, my patience was exhausted and I had to pursue a different solution. While the guy does wonderful things tuning with split shot injectors, it was apparent he just wasn't able to "crack the code" of getting a single shot injector to run right in a Superduty 7.3. So I had to go another route, and got a multi-position chip from Bean's flashed with Wildman's tunes.
After all the trouble, I can finally say it's now idling silky smooth and still going like a raped ape. For anybody else thinking of going with single shots for more power and mileage, Wildman's tunes on a "flip chip" from Bean's is the way to go.

After all the trouble, I can finally say it's now idling silky smooth and still going like a raped ape. For anybody else thinking of going with single shots for more power and mileage, Wildman's tunes on a "flip chip" from Bean's is the way to go.