S&B has a 8 layer media too. Does anybody have one of them?
Over the last weekend I finally changed out the turbo. Previous posts I had dusted the turbo in nasty silt beds in Nevada running chase for the Vegas to Reno off road race. I was running the K&N flat pannel replacement filter for the 7.3. That filter let so much crap past it, it was disgusting. I wouldn't run another oiled cotton/paper element if you told me you'd replace my engine for me. Anyways, replaced turbo with banks impeller and re-used ATS housing and ran it. 23.6 psi boost with K&N filter (flat panel in stock housing). Also bought AIS filter system, $197.00 from my buddy at South Bay Ford. Changed to that and ran it again. WOT on Alameda (no cross traffic) for both runs. No change in boost but I did notice that the filter minder had started to just pull off of clean. Driving from L.A. area to Salt Lake area (no load) leaving tomorrow. I'll compare fuel mileage against previous trips and see if there is a difference. Following weekend is out to the Mojave Desert towing the trailer and I'll compare mileage there as well. Stock impeller with the ATS housing and the boost was well over 26psi. Question/dillema, without dyno testing at various rpm's, peak boost at wot may be lower but at working rpm's (peak torque curve) boost could be higher making this cofiguration more optimal. Anyone else with some more input?
Oh, I must add to above post. Given the environments that I am in from time to time I wouldn't run a cotton element. If I were running around on the street I might consider it. Then again, you never know when something beyond you contol will happen. For the record, the AIS is a real clean and sanitary installation. I feel I really got my moneys worth when I opend that box. I'll also sacrafice a little boost to know that the engine is breathing as clean as it can. Changing that turbo was kind of a bi--- pain. I really had better things to do on a Saturday! Live and Learn!
im confused, what this right-up got to do with anything on this thread?