I still say it is all a deception. On the other forum, there is a more detailed discusion, and one VERY interesting fact emerged:
The products require that you modify your lean-ness because they claim that "the added oxygen causes the engine to think it has insufficient fuel," and that it will add more fuel which would decrease efficiency. Therefore, they have you play with the lean-ness of the system (through one variable or another) to make it leaner (starve it for fuel).
Guess what? THAT basic concept has been around as long as the combustion engine has. Run lean and you will get better (much) fuel economy. But it leads to higher EGT's, emissions that are not compliant, and LOW power. But yes, a few MPG is definitely possible just with this technique.
So, if your HHO contraption has you modifying the lean-ness (whether you know it or not), THAT is how you are getting the mileage increases. There is not enough H2 being made via this technique to do jack. Plus, you aren't getting it for free anyway.
As for the manufacturers claim of excess O2, that is wrong also. The O2 provided in the brown gas is EXACTLY what you need to burn the H2 in it. There will be no excess O2 measured in the exhaust (that is where O2 excess is measured). They are BS-ing you guys and you are falling for it.
You could do just as well playing with the lean-ness yourself. Go ahead, read the fine print and understand the contraption you believe is helping. I guarantee it plays with your fuel load somehow. I also guarantee that even though you will see better fuel efficiency (due to leaning it out), you will also see less power and higher EGT's.
But don't believe me, just plow ahead without understanding what is really going on. That's what the administrators at NASA did when the shuttle blew up. They would not believe the engineers and it came back to bite them. Ok, so this won't kill you, but it will waste your time and your money.