i used CLEAR poly/vinyl tubing...1/4ID-3/8OD, it was 20cents a foot
at lowes, its reported that youll need 55ft to do a crew cab...
i bought 60+ feet.
i used a FISH TAPE to push a nylon string thru the hole in
the weather strip. (having pulled the weather strip off the
channel around each door)
i thread the string thru the LARGE opening in the weather strip.
then i poked a hole thru the poly/vinyl tubing...then i tied
the string thru the hole in the vinyl tubing...then i pulled the
string BACK thru the weather strip...w/ the vinyl tube tied to
the string the vinyl tube will follow as you pull the string....
keep some soap/water on the vinyl tube as you pull it thru and
it will glide thru w/ a little bit of effort.
re-install the weather strip and shut the door...hard.